Chap•ter 12

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Ondine felt as if there were a thousand knives and swords going into her body. She couldn't breathe nor move, all she could think about was the pain. Her body sank closer and closer toward the sandy floor of the lake. Her arms were stretched out almost reaching for something that would not come, her hair spread out around her frail body. Ondine's eyes were shut now and for the first time in her life the world was quiet....

Draco started to feel worried. He paced back and forth on the bank of the lake, hoping no wishing that he would see her little head pop out of the water. His stomach was filled with dread, his heart heavy with sadness, for her head never popped out of the lake. He knew better than to go in there, anyone who enters the Black Lake never comes out....

"Now boys, lets go in and celebrate with a nice, warm, Butterbeer!" Pansy cheered.

For the first and only time in Draco's life he felt the desire to punch a lady, but Pansy was no lady. She was a cruel storm that ripped into villages destroying everything that was in it's path. So Draco waltzed right up to Pansy's revolting face and punched her right in the mouth.

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now