Chap•ter 7

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A few days past, Ondine threw herself into her schoolwork. Every day during her free time she would go out to the Black Lake and gaze into to the murky water. She wondered what laid under the mysterious surface. During one of her sessions she felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned her head to side to see the icy blue eyes that haunted her dreams.

"Headmaster Dumbledore is looking for you," he muttered and quickly scattered away.

Ondine wore a confessed look. She quickly went up to his office. As she entered, she muttered the password. When she arrived she saw the headmaster behind his desk and Professor Snape in a chair lounging. When they noticed Ondine's presence that quickly sat up.

"Ondine, so nice to see you" the Headmaster began......

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now