Chap•ter 8

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"Ondine, please take a seat next to Professor Snape." Headmaster Dumbledore began.

       She silently obliged to his order but letted her eyes drifted towards the man next to her. His face read he was in deep thought while he stared at her. The Headmaster pulled out a letter and waved it in the air.

           "Here in my hand is a letter from your mother, Ondine." He sternly said.

          Ondine sat up straighter as he said this. Her hands got clammy and her nerves set in.

              "It is addressed to you, Ondine. I wanted to give you it when you were older but I feel it is better to give it to you now." He said as he started to give Ondine the letter.

                "Excuse me, Headmaster. Why did you request my presence just to give her some measly letter from her mother." Professor Snape rudely interrupted.

                  "Because Severus in that letter her mother explains that you, my dear boy, are the father." He stated.

                  Ondine's eyes widened and a gasp escaped from her mouth. She quickly took the letter from the Headmaster's hands to see if what he said was true. She opened the letter and there she read out loud....

              "My dear Ondine,
     I hope Headmaster Dumbledore gives you this letter when the time is right. Don't think for a moment that I didn't want to keep you because I did. But I realized if I did keep you, my darling little girl, you would be in grave danger. If you ever are in a time of need go to the Headmaster or Severus Snape because he is your father. He does not know, I don't want him to know about you, but I know one day he will find out and will be explosive with anger. There is no time to explain for he is coming for me, he has already killed my sister and her husband, and most likely their son. I wish you happiness and love my brave little warrior. I hope when day when he has fallen truly, we can meet again.

                               Noa Evans"

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now