Chap•ter 30

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   Her body hit the water's surface. Slowly she relived the same moment that happened so many years ago, which to her seemed like centuries. She kept her eyes to the top of the surface, but felt something stir between her feet. Ondine looked down and saw one of the merpeople that harmed her when she was younger. She tried to swim her body away but it was no use. The merwoman grabbed her foot violently dragging her down to the floor of the lake.

   Ondine didn't know how long she had been holding her breath, but slowly she was giving up. Giving up on everything. She knew she couldn't breath under water anymore. She was just a witch. A witch that had no future. She failed. She knew that. She failed her mother and father. She barely even knew Snape, but every one of their conversations turned into arguments. But out of everyone, she failed Draco. She loved him. As she was sinking down to the lake's floor, she finally realized it. After everything he has done, she loved him. She had to go on and she knew that.  She yanked her feet out of the mermaid's grasp and began swimming up to the surface.

   Ondine's head bursted out of the water, like a single fragment of light in darkness.  She looked around and noticed a person with their head in their hands on the dock.

    Ondine began swimming towards and climbed up onto the dock. Her clothes clung onto her body, while small drops of water dripped onto the wooden structure. She leaned down and took the person's hands in hers. The young man stared at the water, not looking at who just took his hands. All he knew was that the person was freezing. He lifted his head up to meet Ondine's ebony eyes. His gunmetal eyes grew wide in shock and pulled her small figure towards his muscular one into a intimate hug. Draco tucked his face in Ondine's neck, taking her smell in.

   "I thought you were dead," he croaked.

    "I could never leave you," Ondine responded.

   Draco begun to get up, still holding onto Ondine's body and looked up at the castle. There he saw it was in flames.

    Each one of the hand-made windows exploded as the flames pushed itself between the cracks. Smoke hovered over Hogwarts, Draco himself could feel the flames from where he stood.

    "So this is it, the Battle of Hogwarts had officially begun," Ondine whispered.

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now