Chap•ter 28

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As Ondine held on to Draco's shirt as tight as she can, she felt him began to weep. She heard footsteps behind her, approaching them. A clear tear dripped down his chin, she wiped it away with her thumb.

"Why do you weep?" She asked.

"For what I am about to do. Will you forgive me?" He responded.


Draco turned Ondine around, facing her to the swarm of death eaters.

"Give me the girl, young Draco. Your family and you will be spared." Voldemort hissed.

"Do you swear?" The saddened boy asked.

"On my dead mother's grave." The snake responded, darkly.

Draco pushed Ondine into the Dark Lord's arms, she looked up into his eyes and only saw pure evil.

"Now I have my weapon." He grinned darkly, looking at the young girl in his arms. "Let the Battle of Hogwarts began!" He yelled out.

The Girl In The Black Lake- Draco Malfoy #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now