Open invitation

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Emma opened the door to Granny's and surely there was Regina. She sat by the bar with a drink in hand. She turned and saw Emma, they exchanged sad smiled as a tear slid down Regina's face. "Oh sweetie." Emma said, walking towards her best friend. Regina stood up and hugged Emma tightly. "I'm sorry. I feel like this is my fault. I should've made sure it you on the phone. I'm sorry Gi." Emma apologized. Regina shook her head, "no, he was meant to find out sooner or later anyways. I just wish he let me explain why I didn't tell him right away." She sniffed. Emma smiled sadly and asked Regina if she wanted to go home.


"Why don't you go upstairs and relax. I'll get your stuff inside." Emma offered. She unlocked the door to their shared apartment and slowly rolled Regina's luggage inside. Regina nodded and headed upstairs to her room.

Regina entered her room and everything felt so familiar. Her bed, her wall, her walls. Regina went to prepare herself a nice bath. As the water was filling the tub, she watched, deep in thought. She was asking herself if she made the right decision to marry Robin or not. Her thoughts were interrupted by a light knock. "Hey, G." "One sec." Regina tied her shower robe and opened the door for her room mate. "Yes?" "This came for you." Emma said handing her an envelope with 'Locksley' written on the back. "Shouldn't they send this to Robin's place." Regina asked Emma, she was answered with a shrug. "Actually, Robin was the one that sent it here. It was sent to him." Emma explained. "He texted me. So there, anyways, I'll let you be." Regina closed the door and got in the war, bubbly water. As she settled in, she closed her eyes to relax. She couldn't seem to get the envelope out of her mind so she reached for it and opened it.

"You are invited to join us into welcoming the new member of the Locksley Family."

She was touched by what was written on the invitation. Robin's family viewed her as a family. She couldn't believe that soon she would break their heart by telling the truth.


Robin arrived in his condominium along with his stuff. He knew he needed to talk to Regina as soon as possible. He needed to apologize and talk to Marian about what he found out. He was mad about what Marian had done, but he was more mad at himself for not seeing it before.

He dialed his phone and waited for Marian to pick up. It went straight to voicemail so he dialed Emma's phone. "Hey." "Hey Em. How is she?" He asked as poured himself some whiskey. "She's upstairs relaxing." "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make her upset. I just couldn't believe you two knew and I was out of the loop." He explained. "I think you two should talk. But give her a couple of days, talk to Marian first." Emma suggested.


"Hey you." Emma greeted as she poured another cup of coffee. "Nice to see you're out of your room." "I've only been there couple of hours and spent most of it in my tub. I haven't even been home for a full 24 hours." Regina laughed as she grabbed the cup and took a sip. "Thanks." "No prob-" "No, not just for the cup of coffee. But for picking me up, listening and tolerating me." Regina smiled. Emma had stayed with her through many tough times and she with her. "You would do the exact same thing and go beyond." Emma prepared both of them something to eat. Since she was hungry, she figured Regina would be too.

As they sat down in comfortable silence, eating their food, Emma noticed something on Regina. "Hey did you sleep with him?" She asked very suddenly, making Regina spit her food and cough for air. "Excuse me?" Emma motioned on her neck, which made Regina imitate her gesture. "Oh...oh." Regina covered her neck and ran to the mirror in one of the hallways. "Oh my g-" "YOU HAVE A HICKEY REGINA!" Emma pointed at her like a five year that stole someone's candy in the playground. "I know!" Regina muttered. "Did you sleep with-" "It was a sudden impulse." Regina tried to explain. "Impulse? Care to elaborate?" Emma crossed her arms, waiting for an explanation for the biggest detail in Regina's life, that she had no idea about. "We...we went for a swim. Then we fell, one thing lead to another, we were kissing in the pool. Then-" "You did it in the pool?" Emma asked with a crunched face. "Oh grow up. And no we didn't. It was on the couch. It was the closest thing we had when we entered from the backyard." Regina explained further. "And then?" "That's it. Because right after that I mention Marian and then you called. We had a screaming match, more like he yelled in my face. Then now." Regina walked past Emma and into the kitchen. She continued eating as if nothing was said and done.

The shortest chapter yet. IM SO SORRY.

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