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"No!" Regina panicked. She grabbed anything she could and walked out of her office.


Robin noticed a sliver of light, he looked up and saw a door slowly opening. He tried to sit up slowly and found it troubling, because of his tied arms.
"Well would you look yourself." A deep voice spoke followed by a laugh. Robin tried to look up and searched the man's face. "Hm. You know my father made a mistake on choosing you. He should've gave me the shares."


Emma was stirring her coffee when she heard Regina barge into their apartment. She was about to greet her, but she walked straight to the pile of mail on the table. "Hey is everything alright?" Emma asked. She walked close to Regina and studied her face. Regina went through the pile of mail until she found the one she wanted. Regina's legs felt like jelly, she couldn't. Her name was written on the back of the envelope. "Regina?"
She looked at Emma as she tired to stop the tears that burned her eyes. She wanted to stay strong in front of Emma. "What's in the envelope?"
"Robin...he's...he's in danger." Regina finally let go of the large lump in her throat. Emma was stunned by the news. She put her coffee down and tried to breathe. "I'm gonna call Killian."

Regina opened the enveloped which revealed a letter and a photograph. She read the letter,

Dear Regina,

It sure is easy to save your "husband." All you have to do is come and get him.

Yours truly, the best man. 

Regina couldn't help but let her tears pour. The looked at the photograph, and it was of Robin. He was hurt, blood all over his face and he looked weak. On the back of the photograph was the address of his location. Also there was a note that she was to go alone.


Will watched Robin. He walked back and forth, watched as Robin inhaled and exhaled with trouble. Another man walked into the room and whispered to Will. He chuckled and grabbed Robin by the jaw. "Hey! Soon enough, you won't be alone. You're wife will come and join you." Robin eyes focused on Will, "you lay a finger on Regina I swear I will kill you. And if you think she'll come she won't. She won't risk her life for someone she doesn't love." Robin confessed. "We're getting a divorce, so don't bother involving her in this. We might...we might be separating, I still care for her and I will kill you if she gets hurt."


"What do you want us to do?" Killian asked. He brought a couple of his coworker with him. "I don't know. You're the authority, you should know. The note says I was to go alone. I guess you're to do nothing." Regina said. She excused herself and walked into her room. Not long after, Emma followed her.
"Hey, he'll be okay. Well find him, we'll bring him home." Emma rubbed her back to calm her. "I...I wish I can take back time. I wish I didn't push him away. I just want him here, safe and sound." Regina cried. "I know. You really do love him." "More than anything."


Sleep never came. Regina was wide awake, silently wished that beside her was her best friend, her husband. She took the pillow beside her hugged it close to muffle her cries. She wished he was well, hoped that if she dialed his number he would pick up. She swore that if she saw him alive after this, because she knew he would be, she would never let go of him.


Sleep never came to him. His mind ran so fast it made him dizzy. His thoughts was filled with her. Her name, her smile, her voice. He was wanted her to know that he loves her, though she never felt the same. He would do anything to hear her voice, to tell her how he felt. He swore that if he got out of there alive, he would free her because he knew it would make her happy.

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