Love hurts

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He came to her office everyday. He would wait day in and day out for her, made sure she was alright. He got his assistant and co workers to cover for him. He brought her food every lunch, though she never touched them. Everyday for three months, he came and he'd talk to Ashley to pass the time.

She would walk out of her office to ask Ashley to get things done. She would him, he sat patiently on one of the chairs. His eyes would glow at the sight of her, but dim when he did not see the same reaction. She would make small excuses to walk out of her office, just to see him. She would ask Ashley for coffee, even if she just had one, ask for folders that weren't due for another month, to make calls that were unnecessary.

She was about to clock out when she found him outside of her office. Ashley had gone home three hours prior to her, and there was nobody for him to talk to. He his eyes were shut, and his lips were slightly gaped. "Do you just plan on sitting here day in, day out?" She asked him. It was the first time she spoke to him in three months. He looked at her, tired eyes met brown ones. "If this is all it takes to be able to talk to you one day. For us to talk about what happened between us." He said sadly. He stood and towered her, even with her heels on, yet he still felt smaller. "There's nothing to talk about. I told you that. Plus, the contract is almost over, three more months. The papers for the transfer of the your uncle's shares should be in place by now. Then I will file for our separation." Regina masked her sadness with a smile. "I... I dont want to be." He confessed. "I'm sorry to hear that, but we have a deal." "Regina-" "No! This is enough. You told me that she meant nothing! I believed you. I stupidly believed you." Regina argued. "She is! She walked into the office. I told her we agreed on separating because I didn't feel anything for her. I told her the truth about how I felt about you. She-" Robin explained. "Then why were you kissing her? This isn't the first I saw this Robin." She was met by his silence. She inhaled deeply and looked away. "I thought so." With that she walked away from him and out the building.


The next day, she walked into the office and Ashley did her usual task. Throughout the day, she was swamped with paperwork after paperwork.
"May I have a moment?" Regina looked up from her folder. "What are doing here?" She asked with disgust. "I just need about a minute or two. I feel like I need to explain what really happened." "Don't worry, I saw what I needed, it was all I needed. Don't worry, soon enough Robin will be free." Regina said and kept on reading the file. "He said your name. The whole time, he would say your name." Marian confessed. Regina looked at her with confusion. "What?" "When he was telling me about loving someone, he said your name instead of mine. He kept on saying your name instead of mine. I kissed him, to prove to him that it was me in that room and not you. I thought that if I did that he would want me back. However, it was clear to me that his mind was elsewhere." Regina was left speechless. "When you walked in, he was just about to push me off. You could say you have really good timing." Marian left her office.

Regina's mind and her heart were racing. She didn't know what to do with the information that was dropped on her.

The whole day she waited, waited for Ashley to tell her that Robin was yet again waiting. No calls came from Ashley. She walked out of her office and found his seat empty. "Is everything alright?" Ashley asked. "Yeah...uh just...could you get me the files for next week?" Regina felt as though her stomach was doing back flips.


"For all I know, you're waiting for him." Ashley said as she leaned on the door frame. "It's just unusual that he's not here." Regina played it off. "Come on, maybe hes giving you the break you want. You've been asking him to leave." "Tell me something I don't know." Regian sighed. "Marian said that he was pushing her off. Maybe I should've asked him to say his side." She added. "You think." Ashley smirked.


She came home to her empty apartment, Emma stayed in her work. She threw her purse on the couch and kicked off her heels.

"What am doing with my life Daddy?" She sighed. "This is... I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. The first reason I married Robin was because I wanted a change. I wanted to get my mind off the fact that you're gone. But I come to realize that I love him, I really, really do." She let go of tear. "He's been here since the day we met, even when you were still here." She remembered all those days Robin and her father would take her side, against her mother. "Daddy, I'm so lost. I'm not suppose to feel this way, he's my best friend. Mother was right, love ruins everything." Regina cried as she hugged a picture from in her chest.

The sleep never came to her. She waited until Emma came home.

"Hey sweetheart." Emma walked into her room quietly. "How are you feeling?" "Like someone took two bricks and sandwiched my heart with a smash." Regina chuckled sadly. "He never came at the office today." "Isn't that what you wanted, to get him off your back?" Emma asked as she sat on Regina's bed. "Yes, no, I don't know. I'm kind of worried." "I'm sure he's fine, just giving you some space." Emma smiled as she ran her hand in Regina's hair. She laid down beside her brunette friend and hugged until slumber came to both of them.

I didn't proof read or edit this what so ever. Sorry.
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