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The door flew open, and guns were pointed. Robin immediately threw the chair, and pushed Regina far away. She landed against a wall, and looked at the scene before her.


Killian, Emma, Zelena and Little John finally arrived. "Are we ready?" He asked after turning the car off. "I do believe we are." Emma confirmed. "You both remember what I thought you?" He asked the duo in the backseat. They both nodded and felt their side for their gun, just in case. "Let's go, I don't want to waste another minute without them." Zelena immediately hopped out of the car and waited for the rest.

They all slowly marched towards the tavern. It seemed quiet. Killian don't recognize any disturbance. "Everyone stay behind me, I want you all safe." He requested. "Kill-" "I said behind me Emma. You are all civilian, and I can't risk you either." He argued. The found an open door in the backside of the building. He signaled for the rest to follow him.  The walked into building cautiously. It seemed empty. "Are we sure this is where they are?" John asked. "Yeah, address and everything." Emma answered. Killian made sure Will won't just pop out of nowhere, his gun ready for any action. They found one door that was shut, the only door that was shut. "Inside that room, there are three outcomes. It can be Will, Robin and Regina, or all three." Killian informed them. "I want us all to take caution and think fast."


Killian kicked the door in and soon enough he saw a chair quickly flew towards him, he quickly duct. "Woah mate!" "Killian!" Robin and Regina couldn't believe their eyes. Killian, Emma, along with Zelena and John there to get them back. Zelena ran towards her sister and immediately wrapped her arms around her. "My baby." Zelena cried. "Im okay. You're here now. I missed you." Regina watched the happiness on John's face when he the man he treated like his brother. Emma rushed towards and gave her a hug. "Don't ever do that again! You hear me?" Regina gave her a chuckle. 


"Well is this not a beautiful reunion?" Will laughed sarcastically. He slowly walked towards the group. Robin immediately stood in front of Regina and rest. "You're getting what you want. Let us go." Will smirked and shook his head. "What I want the most is for you to be unhappy. Letting you go makes you happy which makes me unhappy. I don't think so." Robin side stepped, snatched Killian's gun and pointed it at Will. "Pull that trigger and I swear you're dead." "You're really willing to take that risk?" He chuckled as he changed his target to directly Regina. "Put the gun down Robin!" "Enough" Killian yelled. "And what are you gonna do pretty boy?" Will gave them a warning shot when he aimed on the ceiling and fired his gun. "Let it go Robin!" Regina looked at him, "if you let that go, he will fire at you Robin." "If I don't he will kill you."

Robin knew exactly what he had to do. He aimed low, towards Will's left leg. Not long after he fired. Will dropped his gun and immediately went down. Robin had enough time to envelope Regina in his arms. He kissed her temple, "I love you." He whispered. "And I you." She swore.

From a distance, Will watched the beautiful reunion. He laughed darkly as picked up his gun, aimed and fired.


Everything was white. Petals of white roses fell upon Regina. White curtains flew rhythmically around her. A brown wooden double door was slowly opened before her. Slowly pick petals were added, as she walked through the doors. Before her was a long red carpet the led her far, and rows upon rows of pews, filled with people that were important to her. Beside her was her father. She smiled, as single tear escaped her eyes. She never thought she'd see the day that her father would walk her down the aisle. He offered his arm to her and she linked her hand on it. The walked as everyone watched her. By the altar was Robin, the man she truly loved. He took her hand and led her towards him.

Slowly her surroundings started to turn dark. The curtains of pure white slowly turned grey, the beautiful fresh rose petals died, and everyone slowly disappeared. The only one left was her father, Robin, and herself. Her dress, clean white suddenly had a red stain. Regina put her hand to it and lifted it to see what caused it. "Regina?" Robin looked worried. "Are you alright?" She did not know how to answer to his question. Behind her was her father. "I think it's time to come home with me princess." Regina turned to him with a scared look on her face. "But daddy, I can't." She cried. "Regina stay with me." Robin begged. "Daddy I have to stay with Robin." Her breathing became fast, faster. "I...I have to wake up! I HAVE TO WAK-"


"Regina! Regina stay with me. We're almost there. I promise." Robin begged as he held her close to him. "KILLIAN CAN NOT GO ANY FASTER? PLEASE KILLIAN." He yelled. He felt helpless, he felt useless. Just when he thought everyone was over, when he thought he would be happy with the woman he love.
"I'm trying but these bastard won't move!" Killian honked as a car cut him off. "Oh fuck!" "Killian, being hot headed won't get us anywhere. Specially at a time like this." Emma told him. "I don't want to lose Regina and if these bastards won't move, they'll get a hot headed driver coming their way!"

Robin carried Regina in his arms as they got out of the car. "Somebody help us!" He yelled as he entered the emergency of the hospital. "My wife she's...God....She's been shot." He cried.

Post before my birthday yay!!
Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Comment your thoughts and vote. Kisses***

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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