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He was stunned by her words. It seemed as though not long ago they were miserable, because he couldn't accept the fact that she wasn't ready. In all honesty, he was angry at her. At one point it also slipped in his mind that she was somehow to blame, but he would kick himself because he knew she wasn't.

He looked at her, into her eyes. He journeyed in those beautiful brown orbs. "You want me to s-stay?" He stuttered. "Like married? To you?"

Her eyes filled with tears. She was not sure if he was sarcastic or maybe she scared him. She thought that he was so ready to let her go, that the thought of staying married to her, any longer, scared him. Her lips gaped to speak but her voice refused. "Regina? I-is this was you want?" He asked again. Her mouth went dry, "y-yes." As her answer slipped out of lips, she closed her eyes and prayed to all the gods that this wasn't happening. She prayed that she hadn't asked him to stay with her. "You know, that has been...when you said you wanted me to was a new reason for me to fight this." She looked into his eyes once more, she found no anger, no fear, just warmth. "I wanted you to be with me since...since I met you. Young me didn't know what love was but, I knew everytime I saw you, everytime I was near, everything was just...amazing. I should've told you when we were younger, but you would probably laugh. Then I asked you to marry me, at that point I thought all my feelings were gone, because I'm with Marian and everything was just business. But I was wrong, the moment I saw you before me, infront of the people that are important to us, and you finally married me, everything came flooding back. All the feelings and the love I had, have, for you from all those years back, it flooded back and it hurt but it felt good." Robin wanted nothing more than to hold her at that moment, he wanted to have her in his arms. "Robin...a-re you saying... you love me?" Robin gave her a grin, his dimple in display. Her heart melted, and pounded in her chest at the same time. "Yes. I am."


Killian walked around the bed to Emma's side. He tucked a piece of her golden hair behind her ear, "Emma? Love wake up." She stirred and slowly opened her eyes. "We need to leave now. It's about two hours and a half drive to get Robin and Regina. If John and the others want to go its gonna take longer." He explained. Emma pushed herself up against the head board and looked at Killian, "I want her home." "Well bring them home, don't worry." He swore.


"Regina! G!"
They've been quiet for a while. Will hadn't come to visit them and they were both hungry, and they missed home. "Hmm?" "We need to find a way out." "How? Robin both our hands are tied and I am not exactly a magician to get out of here." Regina sighed annoyed at the fact that they're hungry, dirty, and tired. "Ah, but I happen to be." Robin raised one of his hand. Regina's eyes widened, "how?" "Learnt a few tricks, Marian's brother taught me." He smirked. "Then why the hell did you not use that earlier?!" She clenches her jaw, annoyed that he had a way and didn't use it. "Sorry, I didn't think of this until now." "Robin, you could've escaped from your psycho cousin earlier-" "and you wouldn't have been in this. I know" Regina sighed, "no, you wouldn't have gotten hurt. I don't care about me right now." She told him. Robin smiled and with his free hands he held her face for a kiss. "I surely missed that." He whispered. She hummed in amusement, "me too. Untie me before he gets here." "I wonder when you'll be using the phrase 'untie me'" he raised his left eyebrow with a smirk on his lips. "Wouldn't you like to know. Stop joking around and free me already." She demanded with a smile.

In the process of untying Regina and getting the rest of restraints on Robin, the heard someone outside the room. Robin acted fast and held a in one hand, and held Regina behind him. He winced at how fast he moved. "Who ever is on the other side of that door, promise me you'll get out of here safe?" "Robin..." Regina held on torso, carefully, scared that she would hurt him. "Promise!" He demanded. He felt her head nod against his back. Slowly the opened, Robin raised the chair.


Emma and Killian drove long and far to their destination. Zelena sat uneasy behind the passenger seat, beside her was Little John. "How...How close are we to my sister?" She asked, for the twentieth time during the car ride. "Just a couple more blocks, we should be there in about twenty five minutes." Killian assured her. "You said that twenty five minutes ago Jones!" She yelled, fraustrated that she might lose her sister. "Zelena were all scared, we all want them home and we will get them. Hang in there." Emma said calmly. "I want her, them, home too. But if we start fighting, we won't get anything done. We need to go with a clear mind with one goal." Emma added. Zelena puffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't know what I'll do without her." She whispered. "Don't think like that. That about what you'll say when you see her." John comforted her. Zelena smiled and leaned onto him. "I'm sorry for flipping." Killian glanced at her through the rare view mirror and smiled.

The four of them sat in silence for a good while. Emma was anxious, she started shaking her legs, pick on the side of her thumb, play with the edge of her hair to call her nerves. Killian noticed her, he placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze. From the time he started Emma, Regina became his friends. Later into their relationships, Regina became like his sister. Whenever he and Emma would fight, Regina would settle them. During one of their fights over something he had long forgotten. He drove to Regina's work to talk. She was happy to listen. She gave him good advice on how to calm Emma when she was angry. He also received a flick on the forehead from her, twice.

*Flick* "That's for fighting with her!" *Flick* "That...that is for not coming to me sooner."

He laughed at the memory. It lead for him to be more determined to get her home, and put Robin's son of a bitch cousin in jail for what he did.

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