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Regina rose from her slumber and hit her alarm clock off. Robin had gone off to work already and she was left by herself. She sluggishly walked to the bathroom and took her morning shower and proceeded to get dress for her day. She wore a red cropped top and a high waisted skirt, along with her black blazer. She descended to their kitchen and made her a cup of coffee. There she saw Robin's empty cup, sitting in the sink. She slightly smiled and grabbed herself a bagel and walked out to their garage. She got in her car and drove away to work.


Robin woke early from his sleep. It more of a nap, he didn't get much sleep. He couldn't get his mind off of what had happened the last month.


Regina's day was just a total garbage, she has meetings after meetings and piles of paper work that is taller than her.  She missed her lunch break and was given five minutes to sit and be left alone. "Ms. Mills?" Alice knocked. "Mrs. Locksley." She corrected and let Alice in. "Mrs. Nolan said it's okay for you to go home. You missed your break and she asked for you not to pull an all nighters again." Alice laughed slightly. Regina smiled at her message. "I'm fine, I'm not due to go home until 8:00 I still a couple hours." Regina smiled and proceeded to work on the pile of paper work. She watched as the pile slowly but surely shrunk.


Robin opened the door and hoped that she would be home. "Regina! Regina!" He called out but was greeted by silence. He checked the kitchen and saw that it was only 7:30 pm and Regina won't be due out of work at 8:00 pm and she won't be home until 8:15 pm.

Robin sluggishly walked up the stairs and changed out of his work clothes and put on a comfortable shirt and a pair of decent pants. Next thing he knew, he heard the door open. "Robin?" "Up here." He answered.

Regina walked up the stairs and found Robin in his bedroom. "Hey." Regina leaned on the door frame as she shyly looked at him. "Hey, how was your day?" He asked, not meeting her eyes. "Great, a lot of meetings, some paper works. Yours?" "It was okay." He said coldly as he walked past her and out the room. "Robin, can we ta-" "I have somewhere to be." He interrupted and proceeded to descend the stairs and out the door he went. Regina sighed and buried her face in her hands.


She kept calling and left messages, she tried to text him as well. He did not, even once, reply to her, to tell her where he was. She called all his friends from work, hoping he would be with them.
"Robin...hey, can you please call back or at least let me know if your coming home tonight."
"Robin...uhm, I'm just wondering where you are."


Regina awoke to the smell of coffee brewing in her kitchen. She slowly rose from the couch, she had no idea she fell asleep on. "Robin?" She called out. "Kitchen." He simply answered. Regina walked to the kitchen and indeed he was there. "What time did you get home? I kept calling but you would not pick your phone up." "There was something in the office." He informed her.

Regina proceeded with her day. It was the same as the previous one, meetings and paper work. She thought about Robin and the way he was being the last couple of weeks. She thought that they should relly talk and settle things. She called his office and John, his assistant, picked up and told her that Robin was busy. However, he has an open hour for lunch. Regina thought it would be the perfect opportunity for her and Robin to talk. She buzzer Alice and told her to move all her meetings for lunch to the hour after.

When the lunch hour came around, Regina grabbed her purse and left the building. Not longer than fifteen minutes, she arrived at Robin's office building. One of the employees took her car to be parked at the garage. Regina was greeted by several employees as walked through the first floor. The same happened the moment she got off the elevator, at Robin's floor.

"Mrs. Locksley-" "Ah at least you guys get my name right. My work seems to forget I'm married." Regina laughed. "How could we forget? It's all Mr. Locksley could talk about since you got married." They informed her. Regina blushed at the statement and smiled. "Speaking of, he's in his office. I do believe it is his break hour." The lady with brown hair told her. Regina nodded and made her way over.

Somehow with every step that she took, her heart felt heavier, her feet felt like they were about to give up, and her stomach felt as if it flipped 360 degrees. Regina shook it off and put on a smile as she neared his door. She reached for the handle when- "Mrs. Locksley!" Regina hand receded, "Tiana! Hello, how have you been?" Regina welcome the younger woman in a hug. "I have been great. It is so nice to see you." "The feeling is mutual dear." Regina knew Tiana since she started High school. Regina was volunteering for Tiana's school when they met. "Anyways, I have to get back to work. It was to see you, it has been so long." Tiana bid her goodbye. "It has been, I hope to see you more." Regina did as well.

She then turned to the door and held the handle. It felt cold in her hand, frozen even. Something was wrong she could feel it, deep in her guts. She twisted the handle, and slightly opened the door. "Robin." A whisper was heard. Regina stopped dead on track, thought twice about opening even more or not. Just then she realized it was not a whisper, it was a moan.

Her heart felt heavier, her legs felt weaker, and her stomach turned even more. She could feel the tears burning in her eyes.

She decided on opening the door. "Mar- Regina?" Robin was stunned. He held Marian before him. He looked disheveled, his shirt partly unbuttoned. Regina's mouth hung open and she was stuck, she didn't know what to do. Marian had her hands on Robin's shoulders to keep her balance. "Oh...oh! Oh my...oh my god. I am...I'm sorry for interrupting. Carry on, on what ever you were doing." Regina said, she turned to hide the tears, she turned to hide the fact that her heart just broke. She turned away, because she knew Robin had better things to do. She found it ironic that she was suppose to surprise and yet there she was, stunned. "Regina!" Robin called before she could take a step out. "Don't worry, no one could hear you outside." Regina said coldly. "Carry-on."

Robin stood and let Marian go. He quickly walked to Regina to hold her. But before he got to her, she outside and conveniently got in the elevator. She looked up and met his blue eyes, "Robin."

He couldn't what had happened. He met her brown orbs, "Regina."


Robin got home and found the house empty, or so he thought. He walked to their bedroom and waited outside, he knew she was there. He layed his hands flat on the cold door and he could hear her. He could hear her sob. He slowly turned the knob and opened the door. He found her bags packed and stood by the door. "Regina where are you going?" He asked calmly. "Back to my apartment. Or with Emma. I dont know, just not here. It's clear now. Don't worry, I'm a woman of my word. I will stick to the agreement. We're back to square one." She said as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Don't give me that crap!" Robin raised his voice. "What?" "Don't give me the 'square one' bullshit! This is your fault and you know it very well!" Robin yelled, his frustration visible to Regina. "My fault? Why yes of course. Because I was making out with my ex!" She said, meeting the intensity of his voice. "I just saw you and you're blaming me?" "You did this, you caused this!" Robin fought back. "You know what? In technicality, we are nothing Regina." He yelled. "You said so yourself." He added. Regina couldn't believe him, the words he was saying. "I...I didn't say we were nothing. I didn't say I didn't want you. I said I wasn't ready." Regina said calmly, the tone of her voice was vulnerable. "I just...nevermind. It's okay not important." She stood and grabbed her bags and walked past him.

He felt her shoulder brush against his, he listened to her steps as they fainted. He didn't realize that tears that soaked his cheeks. He thought of the conversation they had a month ago.

     "Does this mean we're like official now?"

     "Do you want to be?"

      Regina looked into his eyes, he saw sadness. "I dotn think I'm ready. I want this I do but not now."


A/N : ( 15 votes for the next chapter! maybe?)
Sorry for any delays. I got really busy when school started. Anyways I hope you enjoyed that. Comment you thoughts pls and thanks. Also there's future OS in stock for you I just don't know when it'll be done cause school takes 23/24 hrs of my life.

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