Good in Goodbye

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The day of the ball came. Regina received a large white box, when she opened it, she was surprised. In the box was beautiful-delicate, hand sewn, lilac ball gown. She immediately tried it on and she was in awe. The dress brought more of eyes.

"I hope you like the dress. I didn't know what colour you prefer so I picked for you. I saw you eyeing this dress design, when we were in the Oz Palace. So I talked to them to make one particularly for you." - RL.

Regina read his text and it brought a smile to her face. She knew she was still mad at him for yelling at her, but she just couldnt stand being mad at him.

"Thank you for the dress. It is lovely, next time try red. ;)" - RM.

She replied before she hopped in the shower to get herself ready. Once she was done, she sat in her vanity, wearing her grey shower coat. She took out a make up that would match the colour of her dress. Once she had her make up on, a very light layer, she started her hair. She decided on doing large curls and pinned it to one side. "Don't you look amazing." Emma said as she watched her best friend place the last pin in her hair. "Thank you. I'm trying to look as simple as possible. You know, I don't want to go over the top." Regian shrugged and smiled. "Over the top, under the top, what ever it is. You will be the prettiest girl in the ball tonight. Now, finish up and I'll get ready myself. Robin texted me saying that he will pick you up at 6:30 pm sharp. " Emma informed her. "How about you?" "Oh, Killian will come and me." Emma said as she walked away.


The doorbell rang and Emma was right on it. She opened the door and smiled to see Robin with a dozen of roses in hand and immediately looked for Regina. Emma opened the door wider and let him in. "She should be down in a couple of minutes. She has last touches." "Thank you, I'll wait." Robin said.

Regina immerged from the stairs, not looking at him. When she finally did she was amazing at how he looked. "I got you flowers. And an 'I'm sorry' chocolate, it's your favorite. Its in the car." Robin said as he took her hand handed her the flowers. Emma took the flowers and placed them in a vase. Regina immediately hugged Robin and whispered to him. "I'm so sorry. I'm not mad, I'm just mind kicking myself for not telling you sooner. I know that I should've, and I'm so sorry." "Hey hey hey it's okay. Its not your fault, you are in no fault here. I still have to speak to her, and i will." Robin hugged her back and placed a kiss on her temple. "Now, I say, shall we?" He asked offering his arm to his wife. "We shall." Regina smiled.


Once they arrive at the ball, everyone's eyes were on Regina. It was her welcome to the family party, so the focus was on her. "Robin they're staring." Regina whispered, heat creeping on her face. "You'll be fine. I promise." Robin replied, which made her calm.

They entered and everyone clapped and congratulated them. Regina never realized how big Robin's family business had gotten. The ball room is close to crowded. This thought made her nervous once again, however, Robin took her hand and intertwined it with his. This gave her a calming sensation.

"Shall we dance?" He offered, holding her hand delicately in his. "Already?" She laughed. "Well, I never like to miss a chance." He said. He placed her hand on his shoulder and his on her waist. The music played and swayed to the tune. She twirled beautifully and her dress created a beautiful flare. Once she twirled back in his arms, her back against his chest, Robin spoke. "Thank you for tonight. Thank you for not being mad at me anymore. Thank you for everything. I owe you big time. So ask me anything, I mean anything and you shall have it." "Well...I am in no need of anything yet. So let's just say you owe me a wish and one day I shall use it." Regina smiled and spun away once more. Robin caught her when she spun back and the music slowly died down. Everyone clapped and more tunes played.

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