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Emma wanted to help Regina, in every way she could. Although she feared that if Killian and his team would get involved, Robin's life would be in danger. She walked over to Regina's room, "Regina, hey I made breakfast. Come on out, we'll eat and come up with a plan." There was no answer, Emma listened closely. It was quiet, too quiet. Regina is not a morning person, and waking her up usually created a very grumpy Regina. "G? You in there?" Emma walked over to her room to wake Killian. Both walked back to Regina's door and opened it. The room looked empty, as if no one slept in it in 24 hours. "Regina!" Killian went straight to bathroom only to see it was empty. "Some of her stuff are missing." Emma informed him. "The letter is gone too." Killian held up an empty envelope.


Will stood in front of Robin. Both were quiet before Will spoke, "what is it with you that you got my father to give you his shares?" Robin laughed, "probably the fact that I am more responsible. He knew I would do everything for the company." "Of course, even involve your very hot best friend into the mix." Will taunted. "Don't bring Regina into this!" Robin yelled, he wanted nothing but to his Will square in the face. "I didn't bring her into this, you did. Marrying her and acting like everything real, to what? To fool my father!" Will punch him. "You lied to get everything, to leave me with nothing." "So what is this? Jealousy?" Robin winced in pain. "You're gonna kill me to get what your father gave me? Jealousy is gonna get you no where." Will chuckled, "we'll see about that."


Regina stopped her car. The tears blurred her vision, she had to talk to someone. She grabbed her cellphone and dialed his number. It went straight to voicemail, it went straight to the recording of his voice telling her to leave a message.
"Hey...uhm...hey. I don't know where to start, but I'm gonna come find you. I know, I know that you won't be able to hear this but just in case. Robin, Robin I love you. I want you home and safe. Please let's start over, let's start fresh." The recording ended and she had more tears. When she calmed herself from the phone she dialed it once again. This time someone picked up.
"Hello sis."
"Regina? What's wrong? Is everything okay?" Zelena's voice shifted from a cheerful sister to a worried mother bear. "It's Robin. He's... Robin!" Regina sobbed got louder and it shook her body harder. "Regina what did he do? Did he hurt you?" Zelena worried for her sister's safety. "No. But he's in danger. I...need, I want him back. Someone took him and they're hurting him." She cried. She felt as though every breath was on fire. "Do you know where he is?" Zelena asked. "Yeah, yes I do. And I'm gonna go get him. I'm going to take him home." Regina wiped her tears and looked at the road ahead of her. "Get him home? And what? Get yourself killed by whomever has Robin?" Zelena yelled on the phone. "I don't care!" Regina argued. "People do stupid things for love. Be careful. You die, I will follow you to wherever you go and I will bring you back to life. After, I will kill again for dying." Zelena warned. Regina laughed and bid her sister goodbye.


Emma tried to call Regina several times. However, she would let voicemail take it or reject the call. "God damn it Regina!" Emma threw her phone and Killian walked in in time for him to catch it. "Aye what is with the violence love?" Emma scowled at him. "She won't pick up! I need to find her!" Emma yelled in frustration. Killian gathered Emma in his arms and promised her he will do everything that he could to have both Regina and Robin home, safe and sound.


She arrived at her destination, no plan, no decision. What she will do, she will say when she sees him, what her reaction will be, she had no idea. Regina took a deep breath in and out, opened her car door and stepped out. Just across the street from her car is a semi abandoned building, the Tavern. She thought that if someone, perhaps Robin's company bought it, it would look really beautiful if it's remodelled.

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