The Proposal

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She could hear him fumble with the lock on the other side of the door so she just opened it for him. "Hey Reg!" He greeted as he entered her apartment. She stood behind the door and her head peeked out. She had her morning hair and most likely still in her pajamas. "I didn't think you would open up." He said as he sat the brown paper bags on the coffee table.
"I wasn't going to." She confessed as she locked the door. She followed him into her living room and sat beside him. "What do want thief? Stole someone's lunch again?"
"I get it you did not sleep well last night?" Robin laughed as he handed Regina her usual coffee, two sugar and two milk.
"Shut up!" She sighed.

Though their friendship was good, Robin and Regina are basically polar opposites. Robin being the richest person, Regina wasnt. Everything was serve in a silver plate for him. Regina being the most hardworking person he knew. They met in grade school when Robin stole her lunch because her lunch was better. Regina was so angry that he stole her lunch that she punched him and gave him a broken nose.

They became friends in first grade when Robin found Regina crying under a tree. She had a red mark on her cheek and a bruise on her arm, her mother did not had a good day. He then swore that he would never let anything hurt Regina. Regina's father left her mother and she went with her father. Since then she was never hurt by her mother again.

They went to the same high school and Regina was always the top of all her classes and Robin, well he tried to pass his classes. He was a tad bit distracted, especially when a maiden transferred into Brooke High. Marian Maids transferred into their high school on their second year. Robin and Regina slowly drifted apart because he would always spend time with Marian.

"What do you want Locksley?" She asked as she sipped her hot coffee, savouring the sweet caffeine, energizing her.
"I just wanted to say hi to my best friend, is that a crime?" He asked as he handed her her apple-cinnamon bagel.
"With you? Everything can be a crime, spit it up." She said. "Plus, if you wanted to say hi, you would've texted or called or wait for me to do it first." She sounded hurt but disguised it as annoyance.
"Okay fine you caught me." He gave up. "I came here for a favor."
"There it is! Gosh Locksley! You only come over when you need me. You only text me when you need me. You never really talk to me anymore. After graduation how many times have I actually seen you? I can count it with one hand!" She lashed out. She definitely did not have a good night sleep.
"Regina, I'm sorry. You know that it's busy, my life is busy. You know that now that I'm managing the company I can't just hangout whenever I want. You know that Marian-"
"Right Marian this, Marian that! Ugh, we always fight now!" She stiffled a sad laugh.
"What's wrong with Marian?" He asked looking at her.
"Robin you're a smart person but you're definitely made dumb by that woman!" She laughed.
"Just tell me what you want so you can go and smooch her face."
"I need you to marry." He blurred out.

Regina was surprised by his words and spat her coffee at his face. What the hell was he thinking, marry him? Oh no way! Regina stood slowly and looked at Robin, covered with coffee. Her face showed horror, or surprise, she wasn't really sure which.

"What? Marry- marry you? Are you insane?! That's what your girlfriend is for? Did you fall on your way up here? What are you talking about?" She asked quickly. She took a deep breath, she forgot as she ranted her questions.
"Well first of, do you still have my shirts here?" She nodded and told him they were where they always been, her bottom drawers. "Also I didn't fall. I'm serious Regina. I need you to marry me, Marian can't do it." He confessed.
"Why the hell not? Why can't she? You're dating her for a reason are you not? Aren't relationships suppose to lead to marriage not marrying your friend." She asked.
"Best friend," he corrected. He striped his shirt, revealing his toned torso, and continued talking. "and you know why. My family doesn't like her. They say she's just not right."
"Correction, they hate her!"
"Exactly my point."
"But why the hell do I need to tie the knot with you? I still don't understand."
"I need to be married to get the rest of my shares of the company." He explained. "It's part of the agreements to get my share. I am to be married by the age of 28. As you know, I'm a couple weeks from being 28, I need to be married. I can't marry Marian because of the circumstances. They approve of you Regina. Please you're my only hope." He said.
"What if I refuse?"
"I lose everything. Even the ones I own now." He confessed.
"So you want me to lie to your family?" Regina stood in front of him and looked him in the eyes.
"It will be just a year then we'll divorce."
"What about our friendship? Do you even value that Robin, or does it even exist?" She asked.
"Of course it exist! Regina I'm asking because you're my best friend! I'm asking because I trust you. I'm asking you because-" because I love you, he wanted to add. "Because my family already knows you. It's not like I'm just gonna start having feelings for you. It will only be a year and I'll file a divorce." He said instead.
She took a deep breath and walked out of her room. "Regina."
"Look I'm sorry that it was so sudden-"
"I'll think about it Robin." She said. "You can go now, I've got to get to work."
"Thank you." He said and walked out.
She could not believe him. How could he ask her? He had the guts to ask her to marry him. He must be out of his mind.

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