Chapter 1: Falling in Love on the First Date

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Ross' POV

Ever heard of me? Ross Lynch? Lead singer in R5? Of course you have. Everyone has heard of me. My band and I are kind of world famous. 

We have multiple albums and EP's out, I'm not at all unhappy with what we've accomplished. Every city, every country we've visited on tour has been simply breathtaking. My brother Ryland claims his goal is to travel to every country in the world. He even has a world map in our house in LA where he uses pushpins to track every place he and R5 have been to. 

There is pretty much nothing better I could hope for as the teen heartthrob of a band selling thousands of records. I've been compared to the Zac Efron numerous times. Except for the part that I'm not an actor, he and I are essentially the same person. 

R5 has recently wrapped up the Sometime Last Night Tour, so now we play some gigs here and there. They're usually only a one day event, like at a fair or amusement park or something. We would be making millions booking concerts, but since we returned from a world tour not too long ago, the thought of going out of LA has subsided. 

We constantly receive fan mail, telling us to come back on tour, but we're taking a break to write the next album. We obtain about five hundred letters a day. It's nearly impossible to get through them all. Some R5er's even sent gift cards to places where they live so that R5 would go and perform there. Crazy, but you've got to love the R5 family.

Currently we're here in LA and I'm in my room brainstorming new melodies. Everyone is out grabbing lunch, sadly I think they went to In-N-Out without me. By 'everyone' I mean every Lynch and Ratliff. Laura's in her room, most likely watching a George Clooney movie. She claims that he is her celebrity crush, and I constantly have to tease her by asking why it's not me. When I do that Laura laughs and quickly pushes the comment aside in a rush.

Laura's my best friend, best friend since birth you could say. We grew up as neighbors and she moved in with me and my family when we the two of us were fifteen years old. It seemed we always had the same interests. Like we both love Moulin Rouge, have great perspectives on music, it's incredible how close we are. If I could think back to my first impression of Laura, I would describe her as loud, um, sweet, like this is how it progressively went. Like it was loud, sweet, super kind, nice, smart, and then adorkable. Now I just tease her all the time.

When we were younger, the way we acted around each other never changed. It hasn't changed since then, and neither has our relationship. We're still the Ross and Laura that everyone in my family says "fights like an old married couple." Laura and I don't have any way to disprove the fact, and there's no reason why we would want to. We comply our goal is to make the people around us in the conversation feel as awkward and uncomfortable as possible. And it works out most of the time. 

'Everyone clear the room. Raura's here.' We absolutely cannot stop from smiling at each other when someone from our family says something like that. I especially love that distinction about our friendship, how it's so aesthetically annoying to our audience. It's how I know our relationship will never fade and we'll always be timeless.

I also love those parts in R5 interviews where I'm asked if Laura and I are dating since we're best friends and a bunch of R5ers want us to be together. Of course the answer is always no because we're only best friends and that's the way it's always been. I don't want it to change and I'm certain Laura admits the same. 


If you're wondering this question about me: is it hard being famous? I'll give you an answer. It is a little bit. There are a bazillion girls that throw themselves at you and try to sneak onto the tour bus. If they succeed, they end up taking some of my clothes when I'm not there. I'm not surprised, the same thing happens to the rest of the band. It's also not very astounding, considering the fact we have over fifty million followers on social media.

I bet any girl on Earth would die to be in a relationship with the famous Ross Lynch, but it would only torment them. I work every day writing songs, meeting with managers, and coming up with new choreography. It would be quite a mystery why someone would want a boyfriend like me, someone who's never around. There's also the fact that my girlfriend would get hate messages from haters all day because of how every other girl on the planet wants to be my girlfriend.

There's one mystery I may never solve, how one girl managed to weasel her way into my life. Courtney Eaton. She noodled her way into my family but there's no other way I would rather have it. What intrigues me most about Courtney is that she is absolutely unfazed by the hate comments on her social media from fans who want to be with me, or for me and Laura to be together. Courtney's a true warrior for willing to take risks in order to made me happy, to sidestep her feelings getting hurt.

Courtney amazes me, a sparkle always in her eye for adventure. Not to mention a smile that could never vanish because of how she always looks on the positive side. 

I realize how lucky I am. I have the most amazing best friend ever, and a girlfriend. My life is pretty much perfect. 

I guess you could say that it doesn't get better than this.


Aye aye ;) Anyone seeing my A&A references? ;) Oh and of course I hope you noticed that Raura interview where Ross described Laura. Hehe. As a heads up, I'm letting everyone know right now that I love incorporating A&A/R5 references into my writing, so get ready for them.

Oh yeah no big deal but that was the first chapter of The Girl Inside! You do not understand how painful it is to write *gag* Rourtney in my fanfic. But of course Raura is coming soon.

Don't forget to buy La La on iTunes!

How is the story so far? I need feedback. :/


Steph (yesifeelgoodr5)

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