Chapter 8: Fearsome One-Some

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Ross' POV

Regardless of the fact that my two favorite people have left, one of whom may not return for an extended period of time, I continue on. They impact me in a way I may not be able to express to even myself. When part from either girl, half of my spirit doesn't wake up in the morning.

My digital alarm clock compels me to get up as the clock grows older. There is no reason to leave the position I'm in because there's nothing worth anticipating today. 

The absence of Courtney and Laura has made me realize something in these days without them: I depend on them to create my life and to make the Earth spin on its axis.

In a sigh of failure, I flop on my bed to stare at the never changing, monotonous ceiling. Once again, my best friend and girlfriend cross my mind. What I wouldn't give to be next to one of them, secured with the absence of loneliness. The curiosity overpowers me and I no longer have control of my hands. Absentmindedly I find myself picking up my iPhone and dialing Courtney's number.

A few rings of patience later, she picks up, but I can sense a difference in her tone. "Hey, Ross."

"Uh, hey? You seem less than happy to hear my voice," I question her change in enthusiasm.

Courtney's POV

Of course I'm less than happy to hear his voice. Why? Oh, just because I hate that dumbass.

"Sorry. It's not you, it's just that I have a tight schedule for the next few weeks and I'll barely have any time to talk to you at all," my lies dance across the telephone line, the receiver remains unfazed by them.

Scott gestures from across the bedroom in the apartment that it's time to go. Yesterday I coaxed him into agreeing to go shopping with me on 5th Ave., something I have never gotten the chance to do with him. My web of lies limits my whole life, since the next few weeks are presumably time in New York away from Ross, away from Laura, and away from the pressure of Hollywood. If fame was oxygen, I would live freely without maintaining two boyfriends at once.

"Oh... okay," I hear the innocent despair in his voice, it soothes any lingering hint of guilt and gives me confidence. "Then call me when you can. Bye."

Ross' POV

I carefully tap the 'end call' button, as if the button is a needle I'm testing for sharpness.

There was something off about the way Courtney was acting. Is her lack of enthusiasm always present in the way she speaks? She is always so confident in her words around me and somehow I never am. Today she was audibly holding back on something. I wonder if our call could have been predicting a change upcoming in this month.

With the embroiling phone call in mind that I cannot solve, my thoughts naturally drift to someone else. Should I call Laura? Or is she going to shoot me down like Courtney did? Is Laura going to be mad at me? I'm not a slob at all and she definitely didn't leave our house because of me.

I decide that if I don't act now, then when will I ever? The iPhone feels all too familiar in my palm when I go to the 'Favorites' section in the Phone app. I partially hope Laura doesn't pick up, and partially I do. With my luck, she answers on the last ring, "Hey, Ross."

The voice I love hearing rings as a hit record to my ears. "Laura? It's so good to hear your voice. It's not the same around here anymore without you. We don't hang out anymore. I don't even get to hear your voice yelling at me to reach for something on the top shelf of your closet. Believe it or not, I miss you interrupting my naps so I can do that favor for you. Well, actually, I don't miss that. I just miss you, more than you think."

I can't see through the telephone lines, but I'd bet my career that she's blushing tomato red right now. After that pause, her voice enlightens me, "No doubt about it, I miss you more than you love making music."

I chuckle, "Doubtful. I don't love anything more than that. I would actually love to tell you about the song I'm writing, but unfortunately, music over the phone doesn't sound the same as in person," I smirk.

"Oh yeah, of course. There's that ear-splitting noise that sounds like when you put two microphones next to each other. Or, it has a lot of static and-"

"I'm not talking about technology malfunctions," I interrupt her ramble. "I was saying that I want to play it for you when you get back. The song's really special to me and I want you to be the first person to hear it. It's special because you're the only one that would comprehend what I'm trying to express. No one else really understands my music like you do. Our similarities are one of the reasons everyone believes we're perfect together."

A hint of a giggle slips from her lips. "Aww, look who's being the cutest best friend ever," I can tell she's laughing her butt off. "I already can't wait to hear that song when I get back. I'm not sure how long it'll be, though - might be a couple weeks or a month."

My spirit falls when she speaks. Why can't Laura tell I'm already miserable and aching without her? "Why can't you come back now? I miss you way too much, it's unhealthy."

"I still need some time separated from your family. I promise you, if you were the only one in that house, I would drop everything and drive there right away to be with you. It's not you I'm isolating myself from."

I pause and try to digest her words. In the spur of the moment, a lightbulb begins to flicker. "How about I come visit you for a while? I'd play the song and I would get to see you again," a dead silence over the line. "Come on, how could you say no to this? It's the perfect scheme."

"You have no idea how much we both want this, but I feel like we shouldn't. I'm sorry," Laura hates the idea of letting me down, I know her that well. I suppose I don't know her well enough to have a clue on why she won't let me visit her.

 "Well, I respect your privacy. I'll be waiting here until you get back. And I guess the longer we're apart, the sweeter our reunion will be."

Laura erupts into laughter. "You're such a cheesy idiot," she speaks in between giggles.

I laugh along with her. Never had I realized before how much she makes me laugh, "You're so incredibly adorkable and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way."


I don't know how long our conversation had been carrying on. All I know is, the longer we talked, the more I learned about Laura. She uncovered a new part of me tonight.

Or maybe she didn't. I definitely know that I haven't felt that part of me in a long time.

As I close my eyes I find it relatively easy to drift into sleep. Talking to Laura for the entire day almost killed me, but oddly, I willingly acknowledge it. Because I'd rather talk to her for an eternity than endure the possibility of having to live without her.


Oh hey people. Happy Black Friday and late Thanksgiving! Did anyone go shopping? I didn't lol I have finals in like 3 weeks. *crying emoji*

Was the Raura good enough? There'll be more soon. Next chapter is Laura's POV tho.

No one is voting I feel so lonely and it feels like no one reads this story. :( If you're reading this, tell your followers to read my story! And the followers of your followers to read too lol

Vote/comment! :)

Steph (yesifeelgoodr5)

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