Chapter 2: Good Girls Don't Make History

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Laura's POV

It was only about three months ago when it happened...

I was in the kitchen at around noon, leaning with my elbows on the counter. I was dressed in sweats because, well, it's Saturday and it doesn't really matter. I threw my hair in a messy bun and nestled my glasses on the roof of my nose. I was browsing through Instagram with my iPad since flip phones don't have Instagram, even though they are pretty flipping amazing . 

I double tapped on one of Ross' photos, seeing the white heart appear. It was a candid of him playing the acoustic, a planned candid actually. He ordered me to post it from his Instagram last night, insisting my photography skills were progressing nicely. 

I tore my vision away from the iPad screen when the buzzer to the oven went off. Reluctantly I lunged for the oven mitts on the other side of the counter, went to turn off the oven, and then took out the pizza I had heated up.

The freshly cut slice steamed on my plate, awaiting me to finish cleaning the pizza cutter. I soon returned to the plate and was about to sink my teeth into the crispy, cheesy deliciousness when Courtney sauntered into the room. 

She and I have never had enmity for each other, even though Courtney is Ross' girlfriend. It makes me cringe inside, knowing that he's with someone else.

"Okay. I'll see you tonight. Bye," Courtney ended the phone call. I'm guessing Ross was on the other end of the line at Hollywood Records.

"You're pretty lucky. Ross doesn't even let me call him when he's working," I went to the fridge to gather a container of parmesan cheese.

"He and I have a special relationship. And I had to call him because we planned a night out tonight," Courtney's words almost gagged me.

"Oh. So when I'm Ross' girlfriend I can finally call him when he's in the studio," I was half-joking, half wishing this was reality.

Courtney's eyes darkened and she looked up from her phone, unamused. I tried to cover up what had been said, but my body was frozen. "I hope you're only kidding," the way she spoke made me even more hesitant to move anywhere else.

My secret crush on Ross didn't matter at this point. Right now it was all about making sure I didn't wreck his happiness. 

"Of course I am. I love joking around," I apprehensively waited for her to ignore the trembling in my voice.

Courtney raised her perfect eyebrows at me with a frown creeping on her face. "You're not a very proficient liar."

I had lost my appetite in our conversation and no longer had any intent of eating the pizza slice. Everything had become colder.

"Look, I've tried to live above suspicion, but now you're going to complicate things. He is my boyfriend and I don't need any hindrances like you messing up our relationship. So stay away from him. When I dump his sorry ass after he raises my notoriety, then suck his dick all you want. But he's mine right now, and I'll throw any type of poison necessary your way if you attempt to intrude."

Courtney flipped her hair and sashayed out the front door, driving off somewhere. She left me stunned and at a loss for words. I never thought she would be the secret-keeper in this house.

The conversation sinking into my brain awoke the speculation of consequences Courtney's dark nature could bring. I had to warn Ross.

"Lynch's! Ellington! Get in here!" I don't typically yell much, which is probably why everyone scrambled in, in less than ten seconds.

"What's wrong? Did you drop your pizza again?" Rocky guessed, speaking for everyone who was hoping it was going to be a legit situation this time.

"No, this time it's worse. Courtney's only using Ross so she can gain fame. She doesn't care for him at all, it's all a hoax!"

They all shook their heads and murmured with incredulity like I expected them to.

"Believe me. She's putting on her best mask everyday to fool us. If you don't believe me, think of it this way: have you ever noticed how she compliments Ross? No, you haven't. Because Courtney doesn't compliment him. And all the times she 'conveniently' finds a reason to leave right as she knows she has Ross falling for her. These are all signs! Can't you see?! Rourtney is fake!"

Eerie silence flooded the room and I let the logic sink in. Everything I said had caught up to them; I heard the inaudible clicks inside their heads as it all fit into place.


That leads me up to present day. I'm in my room watching George Clooney's Confessions of a Dangerous Mind. Kind of crazy how in love I am with his movies.

I always tell Ross that George Clooney is my celebrity crush, but it's absurdly obvious that I only say that because I'm dancing around the truth. It's evidently Ross and I'm not ashamed.

Find me someone else who gives me sparks at every touch and then I'd be ashamed. I'd be ashamed because that someone could never beat Ross.

He cares for every soul on the planet. I believe every fan he meets unlocks a new part of him. It's visible in the way he speaks to them. Ross actually listens to what his fans have to say, differentiating him from other pop stars. His words have meaning, they come from his mind and not his body.

He's the perfect boyfriend to Courtney, even though he shouldn't be. She's anything but real and I would do anything to prove to Ross the kind of person Courtney really is.

I used to think she was a sweet girl but I was undoubtedly wrong. What I see on the outside is nothing like what's on the inside.


Please Ross.

Don't let the person who doesn't love you keep you from the one who will.


Hey hey I updated for the first time in two weeks ;D

Does everyone like the reference of the chapter title ;P And me pretending to be Laura at the beginning of the chapter with her flip phone :D

And oh my gosh I am so sorry for the language I made Courtney say. I never speak anything like that irl so that's why I'm chastising myself right now.

School has also started again and I'm trying to improve my vocabulary so that's why I'm using higher ish level words.

Remember to keep watching the Boombox mv because Laura says she has a surprise for us when it gets 1M more views!

And also if anyone cares Olivia Holt's new tour dates came out yayyy

Ok bye I'm done.

Steph (yesifeelgoodr5)

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