Chapter Three

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Paige's POV

"Hey, Paigey. Okay, what happened to your face?" Chloe said as we walked to the buses.

"Oh, nice to see you too, Chloe." I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, babe!" Josh said as he kissed Chloe.

"Hey, see you on the bus."

"Hey, Paige? Face?" Josh said pointing to me. Chloe just shooed him off.

"So, what happened?" Chloe asked and I told her the whole story.

"Okay, she is going to learn her lesson!"

"No, Chloe, that will make me seem even more wimpy"

"Oh, Paigey, you are wimpy and can't stand up for yourself and that's why you have the best friend in the world to do it for you!" Chloe chuckled.

I couldn't argue with that. Chloe walked right up to Kendall.

"Miss Abby is gonna get a big kick out of this one, Kendall!"

"What do you mean, Chloe?" Kendall said while fluttering her eyes.

"This is what I mean." Chloe slapped Kendall across the face. It was all slapping and hair pulling after that, and soon a teacher showed up and sent them both to the principles office.

I had no choice except to get on the bus and talk to Chloe later. So I sat in my usual seat, the first seat, where Chloe and I sit.

I got my journal and a pencil out and started writing what happened today, then Zack walked by and I found myself writing about him in my journal.

"He's really, really cute with brown hair and eyes, which are big And round, he's really tall, about 5'8, he's just so dreamy." Weird right? Yeah I know.

"What does the fox say?- My phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, it's Chloe."

"Yeah, I know that, it's a cell phone not a land line."

"Then why did you say hello in questioney form?"

"I don't know! What's up?"

"Well, I'm suspended for two weeks."

"What? Two weeks? No! Why so long? What about Kendall?"

"Because I started it and Tutors said since this fight was different, he can suspend her for a week now and a week later for the bullying."

"Cool, well, I got chores so later."


I don't have chores I just want to think about Zack.

Zack's POV

I walked right past her on the bus and it hit me, a big whiff of her perfume hit me and it smelled so good. I peeked a look at her at the same time she peeked one at me, wow is she beautiful. Her big square glasses make her hazel eyes stand out and when she smiles her teeth sparkle behind her white braces. She's a beauty in make-up but I would love to see her without it, I can't even imagine how pretty she would be without it.

The rest of the day all I thought about was Paige. Paige, Paige, Paige, and more Paige.

Paige's POV

"Um, mom?" I asked.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"I n-need new glasses."

Why would you n- Paige! What happened? You need to go to the doctors, too!" Mom said turning around.

"I'm fine, Chloe just tripped me and I ran into a pole."

"A pole broke your glasses and possibly your nose?"


"Okay let's go, I'm taking you to the hospital."

"But mom-"

"No but's, lets go. Oh, Josh, I'm going out tell Brooke." Josh walked into the kitchen.


"What about my glasses?" I asked in the car.

"I will call at the hospital, they can probably get you a new pair by tomorrow afternoon."

"I'm not going to school without new ones."

"Yes you are, Paige."

"No, I'm not!"

"And why not?"

"Because," I sigh, "we are doing a lot of reading assignments tomorrow and I won't be able read with cracked glasses."

"Okay, whatever, Paige."

We arrived at the hospital and walked in. My mom went to sign papers while I sat down in the waiting room. BEEP BEEP, hm, new friend request on facebook. It's from: Zackary Torres. I instantly smiled at the thought of him actually sending me a friend request. Accept.

"Paige Hyland?" A nurse asked, my mom and I both got up and followed the nurse back.

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