Chapter Thirteen

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                                                  Maddie's POV

  I have to tell Paige! I know I'm kind of mad at her but right now I don't care, she's still my bestfriend. I called her three times with no answer and I texted her a bunch with still no answer. What the hell? I decide to walk over to her house. Most of us live in the same neighborhood so it doesn't take me long to walk over to her house, the bad thing about us living so close is that I have to walk right past Chloe's house then Zack's house after that. The good thing was Chloe wasn't outside but I didn't have so much luck when I walked right past Zack's house.

  "HEY MADDIE!" He ran down his porch and caught up with me "We NEED to talk!"

  "There's nothing to talk about, okay?" I snapped.

  "Please it wasn't what it looked like!"

  "Then what was it? You can't just cheat on some one, especially a sweet,sensitve girl like Paige, with their best friend!" I let out a liitle sigh "What was Chloe thinking?"

  "Hey, don't blame this on Chloe because it was all my fault!" He jogged in front of me and stopped "Maddie I know Paige doesn't deserve some one like me and she should just break up with me but-"

  "I know and that's why I'm telling her!"

  "Wait what!? No you can't tell her please!" He dropped to his knees begging me "Please, I will do anything! Please!?"

  "I'm sorry Zack."

  "Then you leave me no choice." He stood up and leaned closer to me.

  "What do you mean?" He reached into his pocket and pulled something out, he pushed a button and a knife flew out.


                                                  Chloe's POV

  How could I be so stupid? Now I'm going to lose my boyfriend! And worst of all, my bestfriend, my twinnie.I messed up big this time, no one will ever forgive me. Everybody is going to hate me, I called Josh.

  "Hello? Josh? I need to tell you something so can I come over?"

  "Sorry I can't talk right now!"

  "Wait Josh I-" The line went dead.

  Great. My life is over! All because one stupid, stupid mistake.

                                                Paige's POV

  I almost fainted when I saw the police sitting in my kitchen wanting to ask me questions. I stood tall and answered everything they wanted to know but they said they had to take me in for atleast one night because how bad I beat up Kendall, and since she started it she get to spend a week as soon as she gets out of the hospital.

  I was still freaking out when the had the hand cuff me. I glanced at my mom and saw a hint of disappointment in her eyes. Brooke was silently laughing while Josh gave me a thumbs up. I mouthed them "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

  They put me in their police car, I honestly thought Josh would be here and not me. I kept my stare on the outside, I watched as trees and sidewalks passed by. Something caught my eye, it was Maddie? She was walking probably back to her house from Chloe's or something, who knows. As we drove passed her she glanced at me and I saw her expression in her eyes like she had just been through hell. Her eyes were filled with tears and she walked like she was scared of something.

  "Paige?" I saw her mouth out, but I looked away as we passed her.

  The whole day was pretty scary, the girls were extremely scary. They were all like from thirteen to seventeen. Some had tattoo's some had a bunch of peircings, they were just scary. I was walking into my room when I bumped into one of the girls and I was terrified.

  "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!"

  "Hey calm down!' She started laughing, she was probably fifteen. She had two piercings on her lip and one on her nose plus two tattoo's, creepy. She was actually pretty, she had light brown hair that goes a little past her shoulders and big green eyes that had a little sparkle in them.

  "Right, um sorry?"

  "The names Jessica. Call me Jessy"

  "Um, Paige."

  "Do you have a nickname?"

  "Sure, um it's Mack."

  "Cool, how'd you get it?"

  "Um, my middle name is Mackenzie."

  "Oh cool, sit with me at lunch?"


  I walked into what they call their cafeteria and found a seat next to Jessy.

  "Hey Mack!" She said putting her hand out. I gave her a high five.

  "What was that?"


  "Like this." She put my hand in hers then she bumped my fist.

  "Oh right. Cool."

  "So, how long you in here?"

  "Just until tomorrow."

  "Damn, I think we have a Goodie Two Shoes! What'd you do?"

  "Uh I broke a girls eye socket, nose, and put six stitches in her lip."

  "Oh so you think you're all bad now huh?" She stood up next to me.

  "No! Not at all!!"

  "I'm just messing with you!"

  "Yeah, right sorry."

  "If you want to survive even a day in this place you have to be tough."


  "Yeah you know, if someone comes up to you then you stand up and be taller than them, even if you're not taller than then pretend like you are. And don't EVER act scared, you make them scared of you!"

  "Okay, will do."

  "Will do what, newbee?"  A girl much taller, maybe a year older than me said.

  I looked over at Jessy and she nodded. I stood up and pretended to be taller.

  "It's none of your business!" I said.

  "Really? Don't get smart with me?"

  "If I don't then who will?"

  "Excuse me?"

  "You heard me!"

  "Looks like someone is going to have to teach you a lesson!"

  Oh crap. I looked at Jessy and whispered *I don't want longer time so I can't hit back!*

  *Just block!*

  I turned back around and BAM I felt a sharp pain in my right cheek. I didn't have time to think because she was coming at me again with another one, I dodged it. This is where my dancing skills come in handy. I did tons of tricks to block her fist, but she kept coming. One of the guidance poeple finally came in.

  "Um, a little help?"

  "We legally can't touch her!"

  "That's the-WHOAH' She threw a punch at me "Stupidest law I have ever-HU- Heard! What do I do then?"

  "I don't know just do something!'

  I stood in a fighting position and she threw a punch at me, I grabbed her fist with my left hand and swung as hard as I could and hit her sqaure in the jaw. She dropped faster than a bouncey ball.

I love you, Paige Hyland. (Paige Hyland and Zack Torres)Where stories live. Discover now