Chapter Ten

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                                           Zack's POV

  I woke up around noon, I ran down stairs to get some breakfast. I picked up my phone and decided to text Chloe, Maddie, and Paige.

  "Hey Chlo, thanks for setting me and Paige up<3 -Zack"

  "Good afternoon beautiful<3 did you sleep well?"

  "Thank you so much Maddie for setting me and Paige up:)"

  "No problem -Chloe"

  "Anytime -Maddie"

  "Yes I did :) Did you sleep well cutie?"

  I didn't text Chloe or Maddie back just Paige.

  "I slept gr8:) what time should I pick you up tonight?"

  "How about 6?"

  "Sure do you want to eat out?"


  *(I'll go through the details of dinner this time since I didn't last time)*

  "okay see you soon :) <3"


  All I did today was read and play some video games until about 5:15 when I got into the shower. I got out and went into my closet to find something to wear. I put on a blue shirt that said 'Pepsi' across it with a black sweater, and I put on black skinny jeans and blue high tops. I also combed my hair up like usual then I grabbed the car keys and left. It took me fifteen minutes to get ready and it takes fifteen minutes to get to Paige's house so I have fifteen minutes to spare, I decided to stop by the store to get Paige something. I picked out a little fuzzy teddy bear and put a rose in the bears hand.

  I walked to her door with the bear holding the rose and knocked. Some one older than Paige but shorter than Paige answered the door.

  "Who are you?" The girl asked

  "Um, I'm Zack?"

  "What do you want?"

  "I-I'm here for Paige."

  "Oh, come in."

  I walked in and sat down on the couch.


  "What do you want?" Asked a boy, who looked older than me and much bigger than me, running down the stairs.

  "Paige has a visitor."

  "So? I'll go get Paige then."

  "NO a visitor."

  "Oh, in that case I'm Josh, Paige's older, bigger brother." He said obviously trying to scare me but he put out his hand for me to shake it.

  "And I'm Brooke, Paige's smaller but older sister."

  "I'm Zack, nice to meet you guys."

  "Alright lets cut to the chase, touch my baby sister I will kill you!" Josh said.

  "Do anything to her that she will regret I will kill you!"

  "Hurt my baby sister and you are dead!"

  Before I could speak Paige ran down the stairs.

  "What are you guys doing? Never mind that lets just go Zack!"

  We walked out the door and I handed Paige the things I got her, she threw her arms around my neck. 

  "Thank you."

  "No problem."

  We started driving and stopped at Steak La Bake for dinner.

  "What would you like to order?" The waiter asked

  "I'll have the regular steak meal with a dr. Pepper."

  "I'll have the same as him."

  We ate for about a half an hour then left to the movies.

  "What do you want to see?" I asked

  "Um how about EndersGame?"


  I grabbed her hand and we walked over to buy our tickets.

  "One large popcorn and two large drinks please."

  "Here you go, enjoy the movie."


  We walked into the movie and looked for a place to sit, we sat all the way in the back. We sat down and waited for the movie to come on. When it did I slowly put my arm around her she leaned on my shoulder, I don't think this night could get any better.

  "Do you want to go take a walk?" I asked when the movie was over.


  We started walking hand in hand, laughing about random stuff and taking funny pictures. This was one of the best nights of my life. We walked by a shop on the corner of street that was selling mood rings.

  "Come here." I said pulling her into the shop. I picked out a ring and bought it, I turned and looked at Paige.


  I got down on one knee.

  "Paige Hyland will you marry me?" I said jokingly. She laughed.

  "Yes of course I will accept your offer with a mood ring!" She said sarcastically.

  I got up and I grabbed both of her hands and kissed her. Her phone started ringing, when she got off she said her mom called and she needs to be home in ten minutes or she's grounded. We ran all the way back to the movie theatres laughing and holding hands and hopped into the car and started driving. I got out and walked her up to her doorstep again.

  "So you will marry me?"

  "Yes I will marry you." With that I kissed her again when the door opened, it was Josh.


  "Yeah about that."

  He jumped at me but Paige stopped him.

  "Josh wait."

  "What, Paige?"

  She reached over and kissed me again.


  "Bye I'll call you tonight." I said laughing and running for my life back to my car.   


I love you, Paige Hyland. (Paige Hyland and Zack Torres)Where stories live. Discover now