Chapter Six

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Paige's POV

I wiped away all of my tears and walked into my house. "Hey, you ready to go?" Mom asked.


"K, let's go."

"Are you okay Paige? You look a little pale."

"Yeah, I'm fine."

The drive was about ten minutes and the eye doctor got us in quick.

"Can I have a pair of contacts, too, please?"

"Yeah, sure! Here you go."

"Thank you Mr. Walsh," My mom said.

"Anytime, Mrs. Hyland."

"Well, that was interesting. Why did you want contacts?" Mom asked.

"Um, I-I don't k-know?" I'm feeling a little, I mean A lot woozy.

"Paige, are you sure you're okay?"

I didn't know what she was saying, my eyes kept going black then normal then black then normal again, and I can't hear anything.

"Paige! Are you okay? Paige, don't just stand there! Talk to me!"

I couldn't speak, I couldn't see, suddenly everything went black and my knees buckled.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I woke up to an annoying buzzing sound, I quickly threw my arm over the edge of my bed to shut my alarm off but nothing was there? I opened my eyes and quickly shut them again because the light was burning them, I slowly opened them again. I looked around and I swung my feet over my bed and looked around some more, I didn't recognize the place at all. I looked down and saw my mom? And my daddy? What was going on? Suddenly my mom woke up.

"She's up! Randy she's up!"

"She is? What?"

"Paige is up!"

"Yeah I'm up? Who's taking me to school?"

"School?" Mom asked.

" Yes, school, you know where you learn!?"

"Don't give your mother attitude, Paige."

"I'm not, I just don't get why you guys are acting so stupid?"

"I warned you!"

"Sorry, geesh. Where am I?"

"The hospital."

"The hospital? Oh, is Brooke having her baby?"

"Baby? Brooke? Wait what?"

"Oh, um, nothing! I don't know?" Shit I wasn't supposed to tell any one!

"Randy go home! Hurry and find out what's up with Brooke!"

"Yes! I mean I will do that, bye Kell, bye Paigey."

"Bye daddy." He kissed me on the forehead.

"So, who's in the hospital?"

"Can't you see? You are clearly in a hospital bed!"

"Wait what? Why am I in a hospital bed?"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" She said pointing down towards my arm. It's all coming back to me now.

"Um, mommy I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you!"

"Paige, you did hurt me pretty bad but, sweetie, I think you hurt yourself more." She started crying.

"Mom, please don't cry, I'm sorry." I started cry too.

"I have to Paige, I can't stand to see my little girl go through pain, pain I didn't know existed in you!"

"Two years."


"Two years!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My mom flinched.

"Two years?"

"Two years, I have been bullied, two years I have been called names, two years I have came home crying, and for two years you didn't care enough to know what's been going with me, you would never come talk to me, you would never ask me if I was okay. Two years, two damn years!"

"Paigey, I didn't k-"

"Shut up! Don't Paigey me. I should have just committed suicide yesterday while I had the chance!" I huffed.


"Yes, suicide! What else am I supposed to do when I'm living in hell every damn day of my life?"

"Watch your language!"

"Don't tell me what to do! You're not my mother and you never will be!"

"Okay, listen! You may not think I act like your mother but I sure as hell love you more than anybody else on this earth. Maybe if you tried to talk to me about things every once in awhile because I am the mother of two other children besides you, and one of them might be pregnant, so cut me some slack. I'm trying my best."

"I'm sorry," I whimpered.

"I know," She hugged me.

"Can we leave?"


We left. I got about 1,000 text from Chloe, Maddie, Nia, Kenzie, Tommy, Brayden, and an unknown number.


"Call meeeee!!!!!! -Chloe


3 missed calls from : Chloe.

"Hey, please call me and tell me everything is okay -Nia"

And a lot more.

"Hey.... I just wanted to tell you that I miss you and I need to ask you something... And I hope you're okay. -Zack"

I love you, Paige Hyland. (Paige Hyland and Zack Torres)Where stories live. Discover now