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"Alice." "Alice." I rolled over. "ASSMUNCHER!!!" I heard Jordan yell. "Shut up." I put my head under a pillow. They grabbed it as I slowly opened my eyes. "What!" I huffed. "It's practice day to find what you play best," Danny smiles. "Sing. Scream.." I hid under the blanket. "I mean guitar, drums, bass." Danny rambled. "Oh my god guys." I got up and walked out to the living room as they all followed like dogs.

I groaned, "Let me wake up. Then I'll play." I walked into the kitchen making tea. I sipped my tea quietly as everyone started grabbed a cup. "Why is everyone around me, space." Everyone spread out from me. After a few minutes I was now awake, I sat there with the guitar in hand. I started to tune it and started playing a tune.

"I may not be the prettiest." I messed up on purpose. "Nor the best at this." I did it again. "But do know how to party!" I stopped and started playin Everywhere I go. Everyone laughed as I played it. I stopped when I got a phone call. "Hello?" I answered it. "Hey Alice! It's Aron. I was wondering on if you wanted to go to the park and hang out." I had him on speaker phone. "When?" "Around 3?" "I'll be there, bye Aron." "Bye Alice."

I hung up and smiled. "Water guns?" Jorel nodded. "Okay, around 2 we'll go to the park and you all climb in the tree, I'll be under the bench and you all can shoot him there." They all nodded in mischief. I stopped playing and moved to the bass, practicing a tune from another song. I was soon playing almost all the instruments they had.

When I stopped, I stood there in the middle of the living room. I sung from the heart.

Hold on, holy ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead,

We come from a world of oblivion, bad dreams
I got all I need strapped right to my head string
I'm not really bad, I'm just made up of bad things
I'm really not a mad man, the voices keep asking
Born with a soul that don't wanna be saved
Every time I look around I see what a fiend made
Every time I die, I hope they're diggin' up my grave
An undead one, like the flag that I wave
I'm not afraid to cry from this cocaine sickness
I'm not afraid to die, let the good book witness
I ask and give none, nope, no forgiveness
It's the day of the dead and you're on our hit list
So come all you misfits!
Bitch you're on our hit list!

Hold on, holy ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead
Hold on, holy ghost
So long to the ones you know
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead

This is exactly what has to be done, it happened so gradually
It's like I magically happened to be this phantom that candidly
Lets his dagger cut jaggedly
While you're gaspin' so rapidly
While you gag on this rag
I see you all laughin' so happily
It's okay to get startled and be afraid of the dark
I'll just wait here to swallow your soul and tear you apart
And I've already started, there ain't no savin' your heart
This is the day of the dead, this ain't no day in the park
Here I come, here I come, grab your guns and crossbows
And run, better run from the skull and crossbones
The fun has begun, yeah, it's hard to swallow
When I'm done, I ain't done, 'cause it's hell that follows
Now get ready for sorrow
'Cause it's hell that follows

Hold on, holy ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead
Hold on, holy ghost
So long to the ones you know
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead

When the ashes start to rise
And the moon falls from the sky
And a thousand candles burn into the night
When the angels softly cry
On the plains below the sky
Would a thousand souls still pray for you and I?

Hold on (holy ghost)
Go on (hold me close)
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead

Hold on, holy ghost
Go on, hold me close
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead
Hold on, holy ghost
So long to the ones you know
Better run, here we come
It's the day of the dead

Hold on, holy ghost
(It's the day of the dead)
Hold on, holy ghost
(It's the day of the dead)
Hold on, holy ghost
(It's the day of the dead)
Hold on, holy ghost
(It's the day of the dead)

I stood there and smiled. Everyone clapped, "That's a song." I fell down and laid there. "I need a break."

I relaxed and continued to lay there, hearing my phone blooping off from Skype. I answered, "Hey Ry." Sobbing in the background was heard, "What's wrong?" "Lee founded out he was being cheated on." I rolled my eyes, "Well. I sort of guessed it. It was his fault for proposing." I heard more yelling and a plate being smashed. "Let me talk to him.." I shook my head.

"Lee, Alice wants to talk to you." I heard mumbling between them till Lee was now on camera. "What." He spat out. "Calm the fuck down, it's a damn break up. Your acting like me." He sat there. "Everyone you dated, has a piece gone. It, Victoria.. Me." I sighed, "You need to grow up, it's a break up. You'll move on.. Unlike me." Tears started forming as my entire body twisted and turned.

"Yeah. Like I will.." He refused to look at reality. I groaned, "Quit acting fucking stupid!! Your what? Twenty five now?! You should KNOW what your doing in life. STOP BEING A LITTLE FUCK BOY AND ACTING TOUGH!! BECAUSE YOUR FUCKING NOT!!" I blew my own fuse. Tears rolled down, "Your acting like a little bitch that doesn't know if she should love the same person over and over again to soon find she gets lost in the world. Used.. Worthless... And that bitch is me."

He sat there, him looking sorry and everything but deep down he was different. "Quit being a guy, who jumps from girl to girl. To say I love you then the next week your in another girls pants." My eyes showing hatred. "I don't do that." He protested. "YES YOU DO!! WHAT HAPPENED IN THE HOSPITAL?! I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL AND YOU SAID I LOVE YOU THEN LEFT ME FOR VICTORIA!!" I slammed my fist on the table, seeing cracks on the glass.

"And if you are too stupid to realize your doing. Then you was never a real boyfriend.. Nor to be husband." I sighed. "I hope you have fun with your doings." I hung up and sat there on the couch. Everyonr quietly stood, and sat around me, "It's okay Alice." George went to hug me. "Don't touch me right now." I spoke up, balled up and sobbed quietly.

"Back to practice." Jordan stated with a smile to everyone.

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