Sugar and Spice

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❝Hello Q, do you want your regular?❞

"Wow. I give you one compliment and we're on a first name bases now. Well, to answer your question yes, I want my regular m'lady."

❝Coming right up. So, tell me what you look like.❞

"Nerissa! I am not going to talk dirty with you over the phone! Disgusting! How dare you think I would describe my body to a stranger! Absolutely repulsing! I cannot believe you would even-"

❝Are you done?❞

"...Yes. However, I don't want to give too much away because I want to leave the rest for imagination. I look like Clark Kent without the superman identity."

❝Hm. Interesting. Favorite food?❞

"Whoa, first you're trying to get me to talk dirty over the phone, and now you're trying to seduce me by giving my only weakness?"

❝If I am going to continue talking to you I want to get to know you better.❞

"Awe, you're warming up to me! Figures. My charm can't be avoided forever. My favorite food is anything spicy."

❝Your charm has as much value as a aglet.❞

"What the fuck is an aglet?"

❝It is the end of a shoelace. Much like your charm it is always there, but never noticed.❞

"Ouch. Do you hear that? It's my ego breaking."

❝Good. By the way, sugar.❞

"Sugar as in that's my loving nickname you're giving me? Or as in favorite food?"

❝The one that makes sense. I love anything with sugar. I have a sweet tooth. Deserts and pastries are my specialty when baking.❞

"Is your dad a baker?"

❝Actually yes, he is. We own a bakery that works with the Cafe to exchange baked goods-❞

"Because you have some nice buns."


"Come on! That was the perfect moment to use a pick up line!"


"Yes m'lady?"

❝Are you a light bulb?❞

"I like where this is going. Just to let you know I'm smirking. Yes I am."

❝Because you're turning me off. You must be broken.❞

"I'm gonna need some ice for my burned heart."

❝You can't see it, but I'm smiling. You're managing to make me smile. That's rare.❞

"You're sugar and I'm spice. That can make a relationship real nice you know?"


"M'lady? I was joking..."


"Till it be 'morrow. Till it be more rejection."

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