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"Dimples, I'm gonna need my usual tonight. I honestly am trying to pull an all nighter because my friend needs help passing his exam and-"

"Excuse me, sir, but this isn't Dimples Cafe. This is Cafe Grind?"

"Whoa, whoa, back the fuck up. First off, dimples is my nickname for Nerissa, you know the person that should be on the phone with me right now? Second off, your cafe sounds like a strip club and don't argue with me on that."

"Oh! You mean Nessie, she's not here right now. I mean, a strip club cafe does sound awesome, but no sir, that's not what we do here."

"Why the fuck are you giving her a nickname? Why the fuck is it the lock ness monster name?"

"I only call her that because I've been calling her that since we were in elementary. I should introduce myself, I'm Oliver. Now, who are you?"

"Well, nasty Olive oil, I am Quentin. I have been speaking to dimples over the phone for the past week and frankly, I'd like to know why she isn't on the phone with me. Right now."

"'re Quentin."

"Yeah I am. Now answer my question."

"She isn't here right now because she is having family issues, but she will be back tomorrow. I suggest you not bring it up. She doesn't like to open up to strangers."

"You haven't heard our conversations. She is slowly opening up to me."

"I highly doubt that."


"Nessie tells me the phones calls you have with each other. Yes you talk about the normal fears and insecurities, but you haven't gotten to the deep subjects."

"You're just saying that. Those conversations are between her and I."

"Believe what you will, but I know you're good for her. She needs someone like you in her life."

"Someone who is nosy and annoying?"

"That and someone that is willing to push a subject until she cracks. I know that should be a bad thing, but she tells me how much she appreciates you when I'm not around."

"When you're not around? Does she... like you or something?"

"I don't know, I never asked."

"Well... do you like her?"

"Yes. I have since the eighth grade."


"Look, I'm not going to compete for her affection. It's clear that there's something between you two. I'm all for supporting her."

"We haven't even seen each other..."

"You're such an idiot. You do realize that when you walk into the cafe she can see what you look like right? You two just never talk to each other."

"Oh shit, she's seen me?"

"Well yeah, she goes on and on about how hot you are... Nessie! How long have you been standing behind me? Nessie stop hitting my arm! I didn't say anything!"


"I'm on the phone with a random customer! Okay, fine it's Quentin! Did you know, he's the jealous type? I made up this whole story about liking you and this kid was fired up!"

"You made the story up?! Just to get me jealous?! Are you even her childhood friend?!"

"Yes I am her childhood... oh my god stop Nerissa! Fine, fine here's the damn phone. I'm leaving! I'm leaving!"

"...Um, am I still going to get my usual?"

❝Lets make a few things clear. Oliver is my childhood best friend and nothing more. I told him how I was starting to grow fond of you and he decided while I was gone to make a scene. Yes, I have seen you in the cafe before I'm just shy and won't say hi. No, I don't go on and on about how hot you are. Yes, you'll get your usual.❞

"Really? You think I'm hot and you're growing fond of me?"


"Come on dimples, this is adorable!"



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