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Nerissa's POV:

You know that feeling when you haven't seen someone for months and the moment you step off the plane you're extremely worried because even though you've seen them before this time around it's different? That is how I am feeling in this exact moment. Also, I feel nauseous. Probably because of the plane... nope not because of the plane. It's because I'm finally seeing him after months and we told each other that we loved one another over the phone, but we both hung up afterward.

I take a step back, ❝I can't do this mother, what if he sees me and doesn't recognize me because of my dyed hair? What if he does recognize me and realizes that the love is gone? Oh my gosh...mother what if he regrets telling me he loves me?❞

"Will you shush up?" My mother snapped, along with my father who gave a nod, "You two have been into each other the moment he called at the café. He would be stupid to take back what he said. Same goes for you too."

Father then proceeded to swoop behind me placing his hands on my back and start pushing me. He shakes his head with a sigh; "We didn't fly all the way out here to New York just to have you back out. Go up there, find that boy, and jump into his arms."

I turn my head back giving them a nervous nod. I turn forward and started to walk out into the crowd of people that were waiting for their loved ones. I looked around; seeing those in the military were getting hugged, old people getting greeted by their children that are now adults, and college students that came home for the holidays.

However, in the moment I didn't care. I wanted to find him and tell him I love him. In person.

There he was. In his dorky Clark Kent glasses with his hair messed up in all directions holding a sigh that read: Barista Dimples on it. The closer I stepped the more my heart sped up. Why was I so nervous? I've seen him before, but not this way. Not in the way where I crave his presence and it doesn't matter where we are at as long as we are together.

Of course, it took him a few seconds to recognize me one foot away in his direct view because of my now red hair, but the minute he did recognize me he dropped the sign, "Nerissa..."

The next thing I knew I took off into a run heading straight for him. I guess he was right after all, only I was the one mainly running. I didn't really know why I was running, but I didn't care to think about it because I held my arms out wrapping them around his neck as my legs wrapped around his waist.

... We fell on our asses the moment I did that. I lifted myself up from him staring down at him laughing, ❝Hey.❞

" look so beautiful with red hair," Quentin breathed out still shocked that I am even laying on top of him right now, "As much as I love this position we're in, I think I see your parents laughing behind us in the distance and this isn't a good first impression when it looks like we're in the sex position."

Quentin and I got up quickly; dusting our clothes off, but I went back to giving him a tight hug. I sighed with a smile on my face, ❝I love you.❞

"What took you so long?" He questioned jokingly, "I've been waiting to hear you say that for a while now. You sure took your sweet time figuring it out."

❝Someone, an idiot, aka you, had to go and make it extremely difficult to even like you, but this was worth the ups and downs.❞

"It was."

❝Excuse me,❞ I say with a fake frown, ❝Aren't you going to say it back? Or are you going to run off instead of hanging up this time around?❞

"Shut up. I love you too."

Before I could speak my parents came up to us both coughing quietly annoyingly. My father put his hand out, "So you're Quentin she doesn't stop talking about. I'll only say this once, if you hurt my daughter's feelings, again, I'll make sure to hurt you."

"Sir, believe me when I say this I will never, ever hurt Nerissa like that again. You have my word," Quentin said with a salute then proceeded to shake my father's hand awkwardly.

My mother however was more welcoming as she pulled him out of my grasp giving him a big hug. She pinched his cheeks real tight and let go giving a sweet smile, "I always liked you better than that Olive boy."

❝Mother,❞ I say groaning, ❝You do realize Oliver is still my best friend right? Even though Quentin is better, don't be mean.❞

My mother rolled her eyes, but I knew she meant well. She knew how much both boys meant to me. However, it was in very different ways. I stared up at Quentin with a beaming smile on my face, ❝So, are you going to eat lunch with my parents and have the worst interrogation of a lifetime?❞

"Nerissa, I don't care if I'm interrogated, I can be interrogated a thousands time if that's what it takes to be with you," Quentin said making a blush rise to my cheeks. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and grinned, "I messed up too many times. I'm not messing up, again."

"Damn right you're not," My dad stated. It made me sigh, but smile at the same time.

The only thing that was in my mind was when Quentin and I were going to have our first real kiss together. I would do it right now, but my parents are kind of cock blocking a bit. Oh well, maybe later today.

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