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Nerissa's POV:

I was annoyed beyond belief. How dare Quentin hang up on me when he is right next door to me? Could he be anymore annoying? I continued to bang on his door until he opened it.

I crossed my arms giving him a glare, ❝Talk to me.❞

"Look, I wanted to wait until the right moment for this,"  My eyes stared to go wide when he got down on one knee, "You entered my life through a phone call, I know we had our first kiss last night, and we already said I love you. You make me want to be better. So, Nerissa, will you accept this-"

Before he could finish his sentence I grab his arms; forcing him to stand up I try to ignore the blush on my face, ❝Quentin! We can't get married right now! Please, don't finish that sentence! It's not that I don't want to marry you, it's just, it's so soon!❞

He started to laugh. He was laughing at me! I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head,  ❝What...why are you laughing?❞

"It wasn't a proposal. It was a promise ring because I know that after this week you will leave back for California and I want to show you that I am very serious about us."

At that point I may or may not have jumped into his arms and excitedly gave him kisses everywhere on his face. I kept my arms around his neck and smiled brightly, ❝Sorry for thinking the worst, but yes, I do accept your promise ring!❞

My face fell for a split second, ❝However, I do have something to tell you, we're not going to do long distance.❞

"Wait...what?" Quentin stuttered, clearly confused at what I had just said, "What do you mean we're not doing long distance? Are you breaking up with me?"

I shook my head; giving him another kiss I started to smile really big, ❝No. I am not.❞

"Then what do you mean?" He asked, "Please explain?"

❝I'm moving.❞

"Moving?! That's still long distance!"

❝Quentin,❞ I say slowly, ❝I'm staying here. In New York. With you.❞

"Are you serious?"

❝Very❞ I say grinning, ❝My parents somehow got a better job than the one in California and they took it. I'm going to be able to see you everyday. Q, isn't this great?❞

"This is more than great!" Quentin yelled, but then gave a confused look, "What about Oliver? You're cafe job?"

❝Oliver and I can still video chat. Cafe Grind is all over the United States, I already made sure I got a job there before I told you because I knew you would ask. Now, can we please celebrate?❞

He nodded, "Lets."

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