A Moment

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❝Hey...how's New York?❞

"Hi. It's going. Parents are barely home now. What have you been up to?"

❝At the moment, just having an argument with Oliver...or had an argument with him. I'm sorry it's none of your concern, I rather not bother you about it.❞

"You can still talk to me. I'm trying to be a better person and I want to start by listening to your problem."

❝...Okay. Oliver and I got into an argument about how I go out too often with my friends. I don't think he fully trusts me, but I don't know.❞

"Just to clarify, are you two together?"

❝I guess I can't hide it forever. Yes, we are together. We got together around two months after you left. I want to take things slow with him, but I can tell he's getting annoyed with me. The fact that he doesn't want me to go out is to spend time with him, but I see him every day at our work.❞

"He sounds...clingy. You've been childhood friends since you can remember right?"


"Does he have any other friends?"

❝Well, he has his guy friends that he sees on occasion whenever they need something from him. Quentin, why are you asking these questions?❞

"Maybe that's the reason. The only time someone else besides you wants him around it's because they know he'll help them out. It doesn't seem as though he has any real friends and he might be clingy to you because you're all he knows. You're like his comfort zone. Being his girlfriend only made that more noticeable than before. I mean, I could be wron-"

❝No, no, I think you're right. I just...I told him that we should spend less time together because we see each other at work. He questions if we'll be in each other lives always, I respond with always, of course, but I think he meant as a relationship not friendship. I think I made a mistake if I'm being honest.❞

"A mistake?"

❝I...I thought dating Oliver is what I am suppose to do. You know, after you find out the guy you still like is a jerk even thought you would take him back in a heartbeat, you chose the guy that stuck with you for the longest time, and you're finally happy. I just I'm happy, but I'm not...my happiest.❞

"I'm sorry Nerissa. About this situation you're in. About the things I've said in the past. About everything. I want to help you, be there for you, and maybe have another chance at friendship. Maybe you shouldn't date Oliver then, take a break from dating? Stick to friendships?"

❝Since when did you get so insightful?❞

"Fucking up what we had made me take a step back and really look at my actions. Moving to New York also made me realize that I shouldn't be such a jerk because there is enough jerks here. You wouldn't believe how many times I almost got into a fight over bumping into someone."

❝Ha ha ha! Poor Q, but I'm glad to know that you're trying your best to be a better person. I will figure it out with Oliver. Thank you for listening to me. I'll do the same for you when you need it.❞

"Does this mean we're friends again?"

❝We're getting there.❞

"I'll talk to you later."

❝Yes, you will. Talk to you soon.❞

"See you, dimples."

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