The Beginning of the End

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Three Years Later:

❝Hello, welcome to Cafe Grind, how may I help you? This is Nerissa speaking.❞

"Cafe Griiiiiiiind? Is this a coffee place or a strip club?"

❝...Well, are you a normal person or a pervert?❞

"Look, I just wanted to order some regular bland coffee."

❝Excuse me, but you were the one that asked if this was a strip club. Give me one good reason why I should even take your order still.❞

"I got a good one. If you hang up, than you wouldn't say yes to me proposing to you."

❝...Wait. Really?❞

"I'll take a regular coffee and I will take you as my wife."

❝Quentin, are you really proposing to me?❞

"Yes, very much serious. I'll be there in two minutes to get down on one knee and ask you to be my official wife. After three years, don't you think it's time we settle down together?"

❝I can't breathe...I can't stop smiling...❞

"Nerissa, I love you. I want to be with you. Don't go on a lunch break this time, okay?"

❝What if I rather not come face to face with the person that believes my work place is a strip club? Even if he is really cute?❞

"It's called Cafe Griiiiiiind when it should be called Cafe Love because we found love in a coffee shop."

❝That's really cliché and lame.❞

"You haven't given me an answer yet."


"Yes what?"

❝Yes Quentin, I will marry you. Now get your ass over here in person so I can kiss you.❞

"Wait. I really need to ask you one more thing."


"So, just to be clear here, if I give one you a few extra dollars you won't strip for me?"

❝Piss! Off!❞

"I'm kidding! You know, you're fun to talk with. I can't wait to talk to you for the rest of my life."

❝...That was such a lame attempt to talk the way we were talking back then and I love you for it.❞

"So, now that I'm in front of you can we hang up and kiss?"




"...Damn, I'm so lucky."

* * * * * 

Author's Note:

Sadly, but surely this is the end of Nerissa & Q! I do hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it! (Like I said in the last part haha), but if you enjoyed this story, you might just like the others I am currently writing, so go check those out if you like :)

I do hope you all have a great day and who knows, maybe Nerissa & Q's story isn't over yet ;)

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