= chapter 7 =

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So far so good! I'm sitting in a three seat row. I'm in the middle seat, mom is in the window seat, and on the isle seat is a really nice blonde girl. Wow. I just noticed that I haven't talked to this girl the whole flight. She seems nice and she smells like sweet flowers mixed with grape fruit. Its a weird mixture, but it smells amazing and I know its a perfume. Oh! I know! Its my favorite perfume! I have it packed in my bag. I love it, it is just such a delicate sent.

"Hi, my names Ariel! What's yours?" I decide to speak up, but I think I was a little more forceful than I intended to be. She jumps a little, alarming me also!

"Hi, my name is Jill its so nice to meet you!" her voice is soft and beautiful with an English accent so I'm guessing she is coming back to England, not visiting.

"So how long have you lived in England Jill?" I ask with an intensely interested facial expression.

"Well I've lived in the UK my whole life! I've lived in Bradford but I'm moving into a smaller home in Holmes Chapel where I'll be finishing high school. Once I graduate I plan on going to college not too far away from Holmes Chapel and still in Cheshire. Where are you from? You sound American?"

"Yes haha! I'm very much American!"

"Are you coming to visit the UK?"

"Actually my mom got a job down here for the same company she was working for in America. We have always dreamed of living here, though. And there was nothing holding us back anymore. So we are actually on our way to our new home in Holmes Chapel where I'll also be finishing highschool and also be attending college in Cheshire. Then we'll see what happens after that."

"Wow, that's awesome I hope you love it here and maybe-" she's cut off by the flight attendant

"Welcome to the UK everyone! We are ready for you to exit the air craft so please remove your bags and belongings from the over head compartment and exit to my right! We hope you enjoyed your flight and we hope to see you soon!" the flight attendant announces over the speaker.

"Well it was really nice to meet you, maybe I'll see you around!" and with that she was gone.

Mom and I stand up and neither of us had anything in the over head compartments. We both had small backpacks and we just kept them at our feet. So we made our way out of the plane.


The next 30 minutes consists of finding our limmo driver then finding baggage claim and standing there waiting patiently for our bags to come around the corner on the moving belt.

Once we get them we walk outside into the chilly air, I look up to the sky to find black.


As we are driving I plug in my earbuds and start listening to LORDE, 1975, Atlas Genius, Of Monsters And Men, and so on.

I lay my head on the window, the cold glass cooling my warm cheeks. I can't help but stare outside, at...... everything. Its all so new. So much to take in at one time. But its just beautiful, so so beautiful.

Soon enough we arrive at the house. The driver stops the car and I just sit and stare at the hoouse in front of me for a little bit until I'm jump from the driver opening the door I was leaning up against.

I quickly gain my balance. I get out onto the sidewalk and the driver is taking our bags out of the trunk. He sits them on the curb and we thank him for the ride and great service then my mom gave him a tip and he was on his way.


I AM SO SORRY! :( I know I haven't updated in awhile but its been crazy guys. I was sick since last Saturday until Thursday, which is when I went back to school. And that's when stacks of homework were thrown at me. Its gonna take a while to catch up but I promise I'll do better at updated. I know I sucked at it lately.

SO IM GOING TO NEW YORK TOMORROW AND IM GOING TO THE ONE DIRECTION STORE!!!! AAAAHHH!!!! But we have a three hour bus ride there and I promise I'll update again tomorrow and once while I'm on the bus on my way to New York tomorrow!

bye lovelies


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