= chapter 15 =

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***Ariel's POV***

We get to my house and pull in the driveway luckily my mom is still home so I'm not locked out.

We walk through the red door across the wooden floor to the kitchen where we find my mom.

"Hey I just wanted to say Harry and I are together!"

"That's great!"she tells us

"I really like you Harry!" she points at Harry then looks at me

"He's a keeper!" my cheeks flush and she smiles

"Hey mom I'm gonna go get dressed and then is it okay if Harry stays over tonight?"

"Sure. And I trust you know where your spending limit is at."

" I know mom." I turn on my heels and take Harrys hand in my mine and pull him along behind me down the hallways to go up the stairs. We get to the top and I walk up to my door and look at Harry. I smile at him then open the door.

We walk in and I must admit I proud of the great condition its in.

"Wow!" Harry says

"What?" I question

"That bed is a king right?"


"Great its perfect size for when I fuck you for the first time!"

"HARRY!" my eyes fly wide open and my stomach flutters.

"What its the truth!" I walk past him to my closet pushing into his side.

"What was that for?"

"Don't play stupid Styles." He just smiles and chuckles at me.

"Well i have always had dirty thoughts about you I just kept them yo myself ut that we are dating I can just let them flow!" He starts laughing histarically.

I roll my eyes and reach into my closet and pull out a maroon knit sweater with dark jeans and knee high brown boots. I lightly curl my hair so it has loose curls.

He opens the red chest at the end of my bed and I panic. I run over as he asks "What is this?"

Oh Harry its only your phone number and address that you gave me the first time you met me and I knew we were meant to be!

"Its nothing. Uh its personal!" I say out of breath as I rip the taped piece of paper off of under the lid to the chest. I walk over to my night stand and place it there.

He lifts his hands in the air jokingly surrending.

"Ok! Ok! What is all of this anyway?" he points at all of the contents in the chest.

"They are all things that mean a lot to me and are special to me. Dig around in there if you want to. I'll be right back I have to put on my make up in the bathroom."

***Harry's POV***

I walk over to her bed side table as she leaves the room. Being the nosey ass I am I pick up the piece of paper and read the contents on it. I smile as I realize whats on it.

"Holy fuck this is the paper I gave her the first time we ran together which was also the first time I met her. I couldn't sleep after the day because of the effect she fucking had on me." I play back the memories in my head.

It makes my heart flutter every time I think about that note. I gave it to her the first time we ever ran together. She's kept it since she moved in. The best part is that all of her other important stuff was sitting in the chest but the note she had tape to the inside of the lid to the chest.

She comes back in. Holy fuck she's gorgeous. She grabs her purse and we head down the stairs. We walk out the door, me holding open the passenger door of my car for her to get in. She does and I plop into my seat as I start the car.

As we start driving I turn my attention to Ar's perfect face at the way she looks our the window. She looks so deep in thought.

***Ariel's POV***

Oh dear Lord I hope he didn't see that note. It was the note he gave me the first time I met him he wrote it out for me. That would be so embarresssing. But truth is since the first time I've met him there was always that side of me that wanted him. I hungered for him. I needed him.


We just went to Tesco and got school supplies and lots and lots of food that Harry helped me pick out. We left and are now in the car on the way to Topshop.

"So I was thinking I'd get some shirts, socks, pants, skirts, and a pair of boots at Topshop."

"Well we have a party to go to on Friday so we need to get you three dresses. One for the party, 2 just so I can spoil you."

"No your not paying for them."

"Hell yes I am and your just gonna have to deal with it." I roll my eyes and he smiles at me.

"What the catch!?" I ask

"I get to pick them out, you try them on and I choose which ones I want you to get and I pay for them. Sounds reasonable to me." he winks at me

"Ok fine."

We get to Topshop and he pulls into a parking spot. I get out with him and he takes my hand in his and kisses me on the cheek.

I walk in and decide all of the things I want and it seems like Harry's picked out some dresses. Great.


I AM SO SORRY GUYS! I know I promised you guys I'd double update in the last chapter but the interernet and WiFi at my house died -.- but its back so all is better ^.^ I will try to double update to night but I am not promising anything because I really don't want to let you guys down!




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