= chapter 6 =

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~2 days after the incident with Jake~

I wake up to the smell of french toast roaming through the house. Yum!

"Good morning beautiful!" I hear my mom say as she plops down on my, now ours for the time being, bed in my room. Well it is actually a really sad excuse for a bed. It is a queen mattress on the floor with to plush blankets and two pillows on it.

"Today's the day! Can you believe it!? When we go to sleep tonight it will be on a mattress on our floor in our new home in England! I can't even put into words house exciting that is!"

"I know I am so excited! This has always been my dream except for I planned to move there once I graduated to go to college! But its even better now because my best and only friend is coming with me!"

"Aww thank you! So here's the plan.. you are going to go eat the fabulous breakfast I made you! Get dressed! And only pack the things you absolutely need into a back pack and a suit case for the plane! Its 9:30am now so the moving truck is coming at 11:30am to take our things and we are leaving for the airport at 12:00pm. Once we land in London there will be a limo the company sent to pick us up and take us to our house. So we leave here at 12:00pm and that means the cab will drive us to the Philadelphia airport in around an hour so I'd say by the time we land in London it will be 7:00pm, our time. And it would be 1:00am, UK time. The company has the moving truck scheduled to come the next day because we will be exhausted from traveling! So get ready, its going to be a long day!"

I'm embarressed but I can feel the tears coming and my glossy eyes can't hold them in any longer they pour out without control.

"OH NO! WHATS WRONG?"my mom says, worry evident in her voice.

"I'm just so happy! This situation only exists in my wildest dreams. I never thought this could happen for us! I just want to leave this place forever! Leave our old life behind and start a new life together in the place I've only ever dreamed of going to! This are tears of extreme and probably and unhealthy level of joy!" I weep

"You worried me! I thought you were second guessing or something" She said relief obvious in her expression.

"Never!" I cry

"Alright well get going dear!"


I'm dressed now. I'm wearing a blue and black flanel shirt from Forever21 over a black short sleeve crop top. My dark skinny jeans fit me perfectly and my shoes are plain white high top converse. My hair is slightly curled, more like a beachy wave situation. And I could'nt give less of a shit about my make up. I'm going to be traveling all day anyways!

I take time raking through the memories in my head of this cute house. It was okay I guess, the memories. They were decent but more than half were terrible so it won't effect me that much letting it go. But even then it sort of feels like I'm leaving a part of myself in this house because this house is all I know. I've lived here my whole life. The thought of leaving it sends a rush of shivers down my spine causing me to twitch a little. I walk around the perimeter of my room running my soft fingers along the soft teal colored walls where I streamed lights with pictures of things that meant a lot to me. I packed the pictures and the lights in a box because I plan to put them somewhere in my creativity room my moms giving me. I've always loved art, music, crafts, etc. My mom promised me a creativity room in the new house because I can't contain it. When I get and idea I need to do it or it never leaves my mind and it haunts and taunts my thoughts.

I come walk into my closet still dragging my soft fingertips along the white closet walls. I come across the spot. I've always had a "spot" in my closet where I go when I feel depressed, useless, alone, sad, stressed, or anxious. I've always had extreme anxiety whether I wanted it in my life or not it was here to stay. I sat down and looked at the marker drawings on the walls when I was little like the broken heart from when my parents got divorced or the drawn dog tag from when we got our first dog.

"Honey its time to wrap it up!" my mom yells from the front door as her voice echoes through the empty house.

"Alright mom coming!"I get up and throw my back pack over my shoulder and drag my suitcase down the hard wood floors in the hallway to the front door. I step out and the cold air hits me like never before. I stop in my tracks and pull out my plain black sweatshirt out of my back pack and it's warmer than you'd think! I keep walking and get into the black shiny limo.


We just arrived at the airport! I took a small nap in the car and I'm positive that I will be asleep for half the flight! We walk through security and get to where we sit waiting to board the plane, but I'm still hungry and we have a half and hour before we board so I walk over to the NBC store there. I pick a coke out of the fridge, pack of gum, bag of chips, pack of twizzlers, some mints, a Mad Libs book for the plane. I pay and walk over to Starbucks and get a Pumpkin Spice Latte. I'm already to go.

By the time I reach the seating area I see my mother in line to board the plane and she looks around for me. I run over and stand behind her. Handing the flight attendant the ticket to check it she shoots me a 'I hate my fucking job' fake smile and I nod understandingly.

Here we go.


I hope you enjoyed! Its like 1 in the morning and I just spent and hour writing this because I seriously did not want to let you down. I promised you at least three updates today and this is the third. So goodnight guys. And I really do appreciate every single on of you that reads this. Every read encourages me to write more and do great in school and I just love this so much and I love you guys so much! Good night!<3

love you all


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