Chapter 13

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"How's my girl after so many years?" I asked (Y/N) with a big smile

"Missing you.." She replied awkwardly with a smile

"You're beautiful (Y/N).."

"You're handsome"

We walked out hand in hand

"Hansol.. I'm sorry I didn't recognize you sooner.. I just didn't think it was possible for you to be that boy from 9 years ago." She said staring at our hands together.

"It's okay..."

"How did you know it was me anyways?" She asked with a small laugh

"I don't know.. I just had this really strong feeling. And a little help from your mom." I said with a laugh

"Wait... My mom helped you?" She asked with a surprised tone.

"Yeah! She knew about this all along"

"Well then.. I need to thank her." She said tracing the lines on my hand

"Should we tell the boys about this?" I asked kind of nervous for some reason

"The boys? Well.. Why not?" She said giving me a smile reassuring it would be okay

"Okay then. Let's go" I said as I pulled (Y/N) with me.

~(Y/N)'S P.O.V)

We walked together to my apartment where the boys still were.

We opened the doors and he 12 boys stared at us

"(Y/N!) You're back!" Hoshi yelled out

"And you're still here!" I said with a smile

"Hey. This our second home already. Treat us well (Y/N)! This will be a common thing from now on!" Woozi said 

"So.. I'm guessing you guys are okay now?" S. Coups asked with a questioning face

"Yeah. We are. We're better than okay actually." Vernon said with a happy voice 

"Hey! MY ALPACAAAAA!" I said as I saw it laying on the ground. I kneeled down and grabbed it

"Cute~" I heard one of the boys say. I wasn't sure who said that but I ignored it.

"Better than okay you say huh?" Jun said with a grin and a wink. 

"Oh! I see what's going on here!" Mingyu said nodding as if approving

"Ohhhh!~" The boys said in unision

I covered my face with my hands to hide my embarassed face but felt someone grab them and pull me.

I looked at Vernon shocked with wide eyes

"LOOK AT OUR YOUNG BOY GROWING UP!" Said Jeonghan with an amused expression on his face

I pushed Vernon away "Vernon! Not in front of the boys!"

"Sorry. Couldn't help it." Vernon said with a grin that meant pure evil

"Well. We'll be leaving.. Have a good time you love birds" Joshua said as he and the boys got up and pinched me and Vernon's cheeks

"(Y/N). Make sure to protect and love this baby" Joshua said laughing

"I'M NOT A BABY JOSHUA!" Vernon cried out

I let out a giggle. I can't believe I met these boys and got to see Hansol again. I smiled to myself like an idiot.

"What's that smile about? You liked that kiss? Want another one?"

"Ah! Hansol. 그마노애! (Geumanhae=Stop it XDD) I said looking away not daring to look at him

"Okay okay. I'll stop." He said laughing. He pulled my arm and fell on the couch causing me to fall on him.

"Oh shit. Sorry.." I said awkwardly

"It's fine. You're lighter than I expected" He said patting the couch signaling for me to sit right next to him

"So you thought I was fat?" I asked surprised by his statement

"No! I'm not saying that silly" Vernon said grabbing me tightly

"That's right" I said

We watched TV for a while. I wasn't actually watching it. I was just thinking about everything that happened to me.

I was tired and I couldn't keep my eyes closed any longer.

"I love you (Y/N)" Vernon said as he dug his face into my hair

Afterwards I fell asleep

~Author's note~

I'm so done with my history teacher. Summary after summary after summary. Wtf bro give me a break. School's already killing me. Why learn about history when we're not even in it? -.- Don't you ever just think to yourself "I've been going to school since Kindergarden.. I can't do this anymore.." and you just get that feeling like you're so done? Me everyday





Anyways ^^ Enjoy. I couldn't update yesterday because of school -.- I honestly don't know when this story will end. I know it won't be soon but .__. 


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