Chapter 16

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We left the amusement park right after

"Let's stop by my apartment (Y/N). It's closer anyways" Vernon said

"Huh?" I said surprised

"Yeah. Let's go" He said glancing at me

"Mkaay" I said nervously. Great. (Y/N). You act as if something's going to happen. Calm down

We drove for a few more minutes and finally got to his apartment

"We're here (Y/N)" Vernon said getting out the car

I was going to get out of the car when Vernon gave out a "No" and opened the door with his hand held out.


"Thank you" I said accepting his hand.

He opened the door and we went in.

His apartment's very different from mine. Same in size but different.

"Come here (Y/N)" he said patting a spot next to him on the couch

I walked up to him and sat next to him.

It was silent. It wasn't an awkward silence though. More like a peaceful silence.

"(Y/N). I never properly asked you.."

"Ask me what?" I said facing him

"If you wanted to be my girlfriend" He said with a smile

"Wait? Wasn't I already your girlfriend?" I asked him confused

"Well yeah. But I never got to properly ask you. So.. Yes or no?" He asked

I looked at him. Damn. Everything about him is perfect.

"Yes" I said with an awkward smile

"Good.." He said and grabbed me.

He smelled nice. Really nice. I didn't want him to let go.

"I knew I would find you (Y/N)"

"I'm glad I found you" I said playing around with his fingers.

"(Y/N). Your hair smells nice." He said with a laugh

"Possibly not as nice as Jeonghan's" I said laughing

"No. I think it's better than his." Vernon said playing around with my hair

"Really? Well then.. That's nice" I said smiling.

It was getting late. The sky was dark already.

"Vernon. It's getting dark. Maybe I should go home now" I said about to get up.

Vernon pulled me back "Why can't you just stay?"

"Huh? But.."

"Nope. It's getting dark. You're staying here for tonight" He said with a grin

"I guess I have no choice then do I?"

"Nope. Are you tired?" He asked letting go of me

"Mhmm" I said not feeling like talking anymore

"Let's go" He said as grabbed my hand and walked to his room

Uh.. Should I really be here? I started getting nervous

"Maybe I'll just go home" I said turning around

"No (Y/N). You're already here. Don't worry" He said laughing "Nothing's going to happen"

Jisoos thank you.

He climbed on his bed and told me to lay down

"Let's get some sleep. Come here."

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