Chapter 17

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I woke up expecting Vernon to still be there but he's not.

Did he leave already?

I got up and stared at my phone to see tons of texts from the boys asking where I was last night.

(Y/N):I was at Krystal's

I walked to the restroom to look at myself in the mirror

Holy shit...

I looked at my neck and saw a red mark.

"Oh no"

I heard noises in the kitchen and assumed it was Vernon.

"Vernon!" I said as I entered the kitchen

"Good Morning (Y/N) " He said smiling

I walked up to him looking at his neck with wide eyes

"(Y/N)? "

"Your neck." I said pointing at it

"What about it?" He said with a smirk

"Hickey" I said embarrassed

"WHAT?" He yelled and ran to the restroom

"No! What if the boys see this?" He yelled from the restroom

I didn't think of that..

"Let me see your neck (Y/N)" He said gently grabbing my face

"What if the boys see?"

"What if the girls see this?" We asked at the same time

"We have to hide it" I said

"Yeah.." Vernon said looking through the cab
inets "Here. A band-aid"

"A band-aid? Nice" I said laughing

"Better than nothing" he said as he put the band-aid on my neck

"None of this would've happened if I just went home" I said with a sigh

"It was dark. Besides, I wanted to be with you" He said handing me the band-aid to put it on his neck

I changed the topic embarrassed "Won't it be suspicious if we both have band-aids?"

"Then cover it up with your hair" He said fixing my hair to cover up my neck.

"Ne" I said

"Let's not worry about it. Breakfast?" He said getting a plate

"Ne. I'm really hungry."

I should've left last night. He said nothing would happen. Atleast we didn't go too far.. I shook the thought away from my mind. What are you thinking?

"Here. Try them. I made these pancakes with love" He said looking proud

I took a bite and was in immediate shock. Who knew Vernon was good at cooking.

"Choahada?" (Like. Im not so sure about that one. If it's wrong someone please tell me ;-;)

"They're really good. I love them. Feeling the love" I said laughing

"Im glad you like them. We have to go soon. Go take a shower when you finish I'll take you home so you can get a change of clothes and then we'll head to the studios" He said drinking a glass of milk.

"Ne" I laughed and he looked at me confused

"What?" He asked confused

I walked up to him and wiped the milk mustache off of him


"Oh.. Thanks.." He said scratching his neck embarrassed


I finished the pancakes and took a shower and after, we left to my house.

As soon as we got there I ran to my house and quickly changed clothes.

I quickly grabbed my bag and put some comfortable clothes in and put my hair into a ponytail and headed out

"Back" I said opening the car door

"You even look beautiful when you look simple" Vernon said smiling at me

"Im not beautiful" I said laughing "I dont even have much makeup on. Just a little" I said embarrassed

"With makeup or not you look beautiful (Y/N)."

"Aniyo" (No) I said


"Aniyo!" I said

"Yes. You do. And that's final. Aniyo me one more time and I'll have to kiss you" He said

That wouldn't be bad? I smiled a little. No (Y/N). Shut up.

"Aniyo.." I said in a whisper

All of a sudden Vernon stopped the car

"I heard that" he said pulling me close

I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let go.

"Vernon.." I said looking into his eyes

"I said no 'Aniyo's' anymore didn't I?" He said smiling and kissed me.

Vernon let me go and I pulled away quickly.

"Look who's bright red like a tomato" he said laughing

"Seoda" (Stop. There's another way but this is what I got in my learnings -.-) I said trying to look mad

"Oh come on. You liked it. I know you did"

No doubt about it I did.

"Ne." I said looking away

"You accepted it huh? Want more? Don't worry you'll get more soon." He laughed

I didn't answer. There was no other noise . It was all silent except my heartbeat. Hopefully he can't hear it

We got to the building and we both walked together holding hands.

I love you my Hansol

*Author's Note*

This chapter was made Friday. Yesterday. But it says this chapter was done today ._. Saturday . It's that time of the month again for me -.- So I stayed home. (Friday) Feel at home Ms. Flo mkayy? I deleted some parts and added different things. I failed the history quiz . :D stupid teacher put things we didnt even talk about.

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