Chapter 36

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~Hansol's P.O.V~

I miss you (Y/N)...

I hear footsteps walking to my door followed by a knock

"Little bro?" Joshua said

"Come in" I said sitting up

Joshua and Seungcheol walk in and sat next to me

"Has she talked to you?" Joshua asked


"Go to her house and talk to her" Seungcheol said

"I can't do that. She hates me."

"We're going to help you. Don't worry"  Seungcheol said ruffling my hair

"I really love her. I would never do anything to hurt her. I never wanted this to happen" I said with tears threatening to fall

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V)

"I'm really happy you gave me a chance" Jimin said

"Do I really deserve a second chance?"

"What? Of course you do"

"I don't want this to happen again. I don't want my heart broken again."

"Trust me. I'm going to make you really happy"

"Wait. What will the other boys think when they know about.. This"

"It'll be alright."


"Can I.." He said rubbing his neck

"Can you what?" I asked

"Can I.. uh.. kiss you?"

I looked at him surprised

"Give me time Jimin"

"Ah. Okay. Can I atleast hug you?"

"Yeah" I said smiling going in for a hug

This hug doesn't seem like a lover hug. More like a hug to a brother for a sister. That's what Jimin's for me. A brother. But a hug from him is what I need right now.

"Let's go somewhere?"

"Yeah. Let's go"

We drove to the icecream shop

Act happy (Y/N)

We talked and laughed and Jimin took me home afterwards.

"Thank you Jimin" I said kissing him on the cheek

"Ah.. You're welcome (Y/N)"

I get out of the car and open the door to my house to see Dino sitting on my couch

"Lee Chan!" I said walking up to him to hug him

"Was that Jimin?" He asked


"Is there anything between you guys?" He asked looking me in the eye



"I sigh before saying anything

"Fine. Yes. I'm giving myself a second chance. I want to be happy"

"You don't love Jimin though. You love Hansol. You can't be with someone whom you don't love" Dino said taking my hand

"Well I already gave him a chance. I can't just tell him that I want to break up with him. Hansol can be happy with Yuri"

"You're hurting yourself more. You're also going to end up hurting Jimin. You're just using him to let go of your feelings for Hansol. I love you and I don't want you to be hurt."

"I just don't know what to do" I said

"(Y/N). You just need time to think about what you're doing. Hansol really does love you"

~Hansol's P.O.V~

"Hansol come on. You haven't done anything at all these past few days" Woozi said

"Where's Lee Chan?"

"He went somewhere"

"Everything is okay. We're going to help you. Just please, cooperate with us"

"Everything is not okay. She doesn't want to talk to me. She doesn't want to see me. This is driving me crazy."

"Call her?" Woozi said pointing at my phone

"I can't call her. She'll just deny my call like all the other times"

"Use mine them" He said taking his phone out of his pocket

I take his phone and look for (Y/N)'s name.

"I'll leave you alone" Woozi said walking out of the door

"Hello? Jihoon!" I heard her voice say

I miss her voice



"Hans-.. What do you want?" She said

"We need to talk. Please"  I pleaded



I smiled

"Good. I'll be there in a few minutes"


~(Y/N)'s P.O.V~

"Good. I'll be there in a few minutes" Hansol said

I want to see him but there's so much sadness and anger



Just when I'm about to hang up Hansol says

"I love you"

I hang up before tears threaten to fall. I put the phone down and a tear slowly falls

You don't love me

But I do..

Starting Again VernonxReaderWhere stories live. Discover now