-10 years later-
"Phil!" Dan calls out.
"Hm?" Phil replies, too distracted to answer properly.
"Could you go change Dee? I'm editing a video." Phil got up with a sigh, chuckling. He walked into the bedroom and looked over into a crib, a crying baby inside.
"Come on Dee. Let's change you before you make me go deaf." He laughed.
-skipping the changing bc nobody cares about that-
After Phil had changed his child, he carefully placed her back into the crib and walked out, being as quiet as possible. As he walked back into the office where Dan had been for two hours editing a video, he thought about what all had happened over the past 15 years. Everything seemed to disappear as he remembered the times he and Dan had cuddled, kissed, and more. A blush spread across his face as these thoughts flooded his mind."How's the video coming along?" He asked.
"Pretty good. But it would be better if I could add comic sans in there somewhere."
Phil giggled, "No Dan, this is a serious video."
"Pleeeeeaaasse" Dan begged. Phil shook his head and sighed.
"Fine, but no memes." He said. They both laughed and sat there, editing the video.
~le video~
"Hey guys! So I have some exciting news.." Just then Dan popped onto the screen, holding a baby.
"Dan and I adopted!" Phil squealed. A huge smile was on Dan's face as Phil took the child in his arms.
"We've decided to call her Dee!" Dan said.
They continued talking about Dee for 30 minutes before they decided to end the video.
"Bye guys!" Phil said as he reached forward and turned off the camera.
And that's the end of the story! I had so much fun writing this and I feel like with practice I could write stories that are A LOT better than this. I would continue this, but I honestly can't see it going anywhere interesting so I'm just going to end it here.Bye guys <3