Chapter 2 - The Owl Post

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It was another bright, clear day. Hermione was up and ready, making sure she gathered her last minute things. She sat in the kitchen at the Burrow with a cup of tea anbd stared out the window. She saw the hill top where she'd be apparating from to get to kings cross. There was a crow standing there crowing, he'd seen a worm and grabbed it. He flew off leaving the hill top deserted.

"You packed an ready to go, dear" came Molly's voice. Hermione snapped out of her gaze and nodded taking a sip of her tea. "Ron's bringing down your suitcase" she said again. It'd been a rough night, Ginny had hardly speaken to Hermione. She'd done nothing wrong but the thought of Hermione leaving upset her. Hermione finished her tea and ran to her room. She'd left her wand on the table, she couldn't leave without that. She put on her coat and proceeded down stairs. Her suitcase was in the kitchen and so was Ron and Harry.

Harry ran at Hermione and hugged her. She hugged back, close to tears. "We'll miss you Hermione, you better visit" he said and let go of Hermione. "Of course I will" she said and ran to hug Ron. "GEORGE!!" yelled Molly from the other room. Harry and Ron went to see what the comotion was about. Hermione made to do the same but an owl landed on the table. It was a large grey owl, with glwoing yellow eyes. It looked vicious and angry so Hermione approached it slowly. A letter was attached to its leg, she slowly got it off and the owl flew away. It was from America, no wonder the bird was angry. Hermione opened the sealed letter and read through it, Hermione head went blank, all happiness was drained and worry crept in. How could this have happened?

Dear Miss Granger

We are sorry to inform you that, you're application through to the oranisation was denied in the seconds part of the process. We looked through all qualification and you aren't what we are currently looking for. Therefore you place at the America Wizarding Organisation has been denied.

Your Sincerly

Marcus William Smith

She read through the letter several times. She couldn't breath, she took a seat before she collapsed. Voices could be heard and Molly came into the kitchen, Hermione hid the letter and smiled. "He shouldn't have put that dungbomb in his underwear draw, who does that?" complained Molly. Ron sniggered "George does" said Ron.

"Oh Hermione dear, you better leave soon, you don't want to miss your train" said Molly who grabbed her suitcase and handed it over to Hermione. It's as if she wanted rid of Hermione or was just upset she didn't want to show it. Hermione didn't know what to do, she stood up and nearly fell. She grabbed her luggage and walked to the door. "Bye, I'll miss you " she said and they all waved. Hermione couldn't tell them they'd denied her. She'll be so embrassed, and they'd probably laugh at her. She stopped on the hill top and looked around. And with a crack he apparated. She was pulled into darkness, being pulled her mind was a mess, until she landed.

She wasn't in King's Cross, she was in Diagon Alley, she had no-where else to go. This was the only place that cam into mind. She walked through knockturn alley and went down the long twisty road. She walked on and on, not really knowing where this would take her. She decided to go and stay in the leaky cauldron but the Weasleys and Hagrid visited their very often.

All these thoughts entered her head as she continued to walk down the long, bendy road. Suddenly the road was wider and there were loads of bushed and nettles. There were little fairies fluttering with the wind, they lived in the bushes. Hermione still walked further, it scared her. She could here low growling.

Hermione thought she saw light in the distance and followed it. The growling was growing louder.

"Arrrgghhhhhh!!!" screamed Hermione.


Draco lay on his bed, his mother had been worried and crying all day. He lay on his bed with a ring, a ring with a serpant on. He heard a scream, he ran from his room and into his mothers, she was screaming in her sleep. Draco tried to wake her but she continued to yell. He shook her by the shoulder "MUM!" he called out. "Mother!! Mum, wake up!" he said again and he eyes shot open. She had tears in her eyes, he was breathing heavy and sat up.

"I'm fine Draco, I'm fine" she reassured him, Draco knew this was a lie, she wasn't fine. She hadn't been since his father left yesterday. Draco slowly left the room and walked to the nearest window. He swore he saw something move in the distance, he looked closely but couldn't see. He must have been imagining it and returned to his room.


Draco fell asleep and woke up with a start, he heard more screaming, but it was distant screaming. He heard it grow louder and all stopped. he went to his window and looked, nothing their. Draco checked up on his mother who was sleeping soundlessly. He left her and ran down stairs, he heard noises outside, the house was huge but so silent you could here noises.

He opened the front door and opened it, he looked around when something caught his eye.

"You?! What are you doing here?" Draco asked.

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