Chapter 17 - I Will Be

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"I never thought it could be so hard to lose something I never really had" -Unknown


It wasn't easy. I stayed in st.mungo's for another 2 days until the dismissed me. It felt like a week. I wanted to get home as soon as possible but the healers kept saying no.

I'm finally back at the Burrow with all the Weasley's waiting hand and foot on me. I reallu don't deserve such good friends as these. I'm in Ginny's room, staring out the window, watching the still hills. I pull my knees in and hug them. Crookshank purrs and hisses. The dumly lit candle makes the room have a firery glow and my huge shadow is cast on the wall. It's getting dark and I've been very quiet. I haven't even been able to speak to Harry or Ron properly, although I did want to. I wanted to say sorry, explain everything then don't understand. I wanted to make sure I didn't lose them...just like I--


I turned around swiftly and looked into those glorious green eyes that belonged to Harry. I nodded and he entered slowly, opening the door to let Ron in too.

They both sat by me. I haven't spoken to them in so long, the urge to throw my arms around them and hug them with all my power over took me. I was now clinging onto them both, silently sobbing onto Ron's shoulder and whispered sorry.

Harry patted my back and said 'I know' soothingly.

"But it's not your fault, Hermione" said Harry and I pulled away, back into my usual position.

I didn't answer, I looked back out to the window. It was now a dark blue sky and the moon was peaking out from behind a cloud. It was my fault. It all was.

Tears streamed down my face. Flashes of his face were imprinted on my mind and it haunted me. Such a scare but such longing to see him again.

"Mum's worried about you, Hermione. She knows that you're not the one to blame" says Ron.

"Then who is?" I ask fiercly since they clearly know it's all my fault.

"She blames herself, I mean she was practically throwing you out the house that day. Didn't stop to let you talk. She saw some worried expression on your face, but she didn't think to stop"

"It's not her fault. None of this is anyone's fault but mine"

"If it's not our fault then it's not yours either. The Malfoy's are responsible" say Ron furiously.

I stare at him in shock. My eyes are teary and I'm finding it hard to breath.

"No it's not, Ron. They helped in the end." I say in their defence.

"But still, it's always them with the trouble. That Lucius Malfoy, going around getting Salazar's body to have him reborn. Is he stupid enough to do that after Voldemort?"

"No, Ron...he changed and saw reason in the end"

"And that Draco..." Ron went on as if he never heard what I just said. "He's just...urgh he makes me so mad. It's his fault"

"NO" I yell and stand up angrily. "It's not. He's been keeping me alive. It's because of him I'm standing here."

Ron gapes at me. Harry doesn't looked to surprised since I think he's caught on faster than Ron has.

"I guess I understand now, why you did"

He meant he understand why I fell for Draco. Why I cared so much. Why I could possible have feelings for. He understood. He knows why I kissed him.

Without saying anything else, Ron get's up and leaves. I only made things worse and now I'm mad at myself for pissing off Ron. I slouch back down into my sitting position and hig my knees.

Harry sounlessly moves closer and puts his arm around me. My head is heavy and I give in. I rest my head on his shoulder and close my eyes. Relaxed in such a long time.

"Where did he say he was going?"

"Rome" I breathout.

" he just left?"


"Didn't say anything else...give you anything?"

The way Harry is making this out is as if I'd been dating him for years and he decided to move away without a real farewell. Doesn't Harry know that it was never like that. It all happened in a matter of days. How do I know if it's for real?

I just wished he never left. I would have been everything for him. I could have helped him. Even though it's not for sure yet. I need him. I would have tried to make everything ok.

"You know, what people say right?" says Harry quietly. I lift my head up and stare at him.

"Well, I don't think it's a fact but...if you like someone for over 4 means you love them." he says.

I blink repeatedly.

"If you still like him, Hermione, after 4 months. You'll know then. If wasn't real. I really should hate that fact you feel like this for him, but I can't do anything about that."

He wipes my falling tears away with his shirt. I smile at him.

"Like you and Ginny? You've like her for love her." I say.

He smirks and looks at me.

"Yeah well...shh let's not talk about that, let's talk about you" he says jokingly and I laugh. I admire Harry for his understanding and he's like the brother I never had. I hugs me one last time and then walks out the room.

I turn to the window one last time and now I see the night sky pitch black with only the moon as the source of light. The moon shines and makes the trees glow. The wind is picking up and the branches sway eerily. I open the window and the night air fills the stuffy room.

A slow hissing whisper flows around the room.


I listen carefully.


There it is again, a whisper in the wind. That slow sound that sounds so much like...



I listen again. His voice fills the room. It sounds calm and peaceful. Tiredness overtakes me and my eyes started to close. Before I fall asleep completely, I get under my duvet and cuddle up to myself. The whisper still glides around the room. My name over and over his voice.

I fall asleep to the elegant sound and lose myself into a dreamless sleep.


Short one, yes and not much Dramione. This chapter was needed. There will be more Dramione soon (next chapter d'uh ;D)

And it's near;y over :( awww...i've loved writing this story. Oh and I also love the song with this chapter. It's an amazing song and It kinda goes with the chapter and the Dramione situation, have a listen if you want :)

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