Chapter 7 - The Chest Is Alive

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Firstly, I will now right in first person, in Hermione's points of view. Just to get to know her emotions and what she'd thinking. Later in the story I may change to Draco's point of view too.


He left. Just like that, I heard his footsteps fade and I stood there. Quite frozen on the spot. It was so awkward while hiding. He stared at me, our faces inches away. Butterflies were in my stomach and made me feel rather sick.

What am I meant to do now? We still had to figure out what to do about the deatheaters and their plans, but Draco had took off. And I needed him to help.

He walked back in a shut the door quite suddenly. He paced around the room, running his fingers through his hair and rubbing his temples out of frustration.

"Okay" he said still pacing. "What we know is that they're after a ring" he indicated the silver and green ring with a serpant on his finger. "And a pendanct...I presume of that dead guys lover. They also need the key to open that chest where his dead remains lie. Then they will kill a mud-- err muggleborn"

Draco seemed to have understood his mistake he could have made. He stopped before saying that word and used the alternative. This made me smile, I couldn't help it, but I found it...cute...that he was frustrated yet working everything out. Maybe he thinks and works better under pressure.

"Well, I know what we have to do" he said, "We have to keep this ring away from them, but it's not likes it going anywhere" he said still tugging at the ring in hope to get it off his finger. "And find the key and pendant, without them they have no hope in bringing someone back from the dead."

"Yes, I suppose that could work, but we don't know where the pendant is, in the book it says that the rebirth is halfway done when both objects are united, it kind of brings the remains back into it's senses, then they have to let it free and walk the earth until it's fully transformed back into the human form. Then the....muggle born thing" I said, and I choked in the last couple of words.

"Well that fantastic, they don't have the ring, the pendant or the key, the key. There no way any re-birth will happen" he said smiling broadly.

I smirked, the smile on his face my my stomach turn, but after all the running and hiding, it was quite pleasant and nice to see. He'd been my childhood enemy and the only smile I saw on his face was sneering a smirking, yet this was different.

"Oi, Granger" he waved his hands in front of my face, "Snap out of it"

I shook my head and took a step back, did he see me in a gaze staring at him? Oh god!

He grabbed my hand again, I was getting tired of the running and hiding. We ran out the room and down the stairs. But there was no noise coming from the living room. It was quiet, too quiet. Draco slowly held the the doorknob and gently turned it. He peeked his head, and maybe he didn't realise but he was holding my hand. He held it tightly, I could feel the fear and tension in his hand, it all dropped when he sighed and let go.

"Phew, they aren't here" said Draco and called me in.

"Look on the coffee table, there's some papers" I exclaimed and pointed at the dark brown polished table.

Draco looked thoroughly through the papers and stopped at a particular sheet.

"What is it?" I asked. "Anything interesting?"

He nodded and walked over to me.

"Er, I-- er think they've located the pendant" he said and pointed the sheet where it read 'Mistylane Valley'. It was circled and it had the title 'Pendant'.

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