Chapter 12 - Precious Blood

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More Dramione! And more action, tense, thrilling! It's a ong chapter, so hope it don't get too boring! Hope you like it! Enjoy :) Oh and please comment and vote!


We were flying, rushing through the cold wind. It was dark and cold. The death eaters had grabbed me an Draco and took off into the sky. I always wondered how they managed to turn into black mist and fly through the open sky. But I didn’t like it. It was much worse than apparating. It was like being pulled, your head being ripped apart, the world slamming into you, you head dizzy and nearly puking. The apparating effects were much different. We kept flying, I could see anything apart from dark mist around me. Lucius had grabbed my hand an took off in the sky. It literally felt like forever through the rushing wind, my fingers went numb and my throat dry. I worried about Draco. He’d betrayed his parents, his dad found him with a muggle-born. Things will get worse.

We finally land onto the ground.

Oh how good it feels to be on solid safe ground rather than flying in the sky feeling sick. My stomach felt queasy. The world had gone upside down and my head. God! My head ached as if a hammer had hit it several times, and then bricks were thrown at me.

We walk into the Manor, after flying through the cold sky, the Manor seemed warm and pleasant. I could hardly walk, when I saw a glimpse of Draco in the hands of Dolohov.

I tried to catch his eye, but he seemed like he was avoiding me. We were dragged into the living room and the wooden chest rattled and creaked. Whatever was in there was alive and about to enter the real world. Who was it?

Lucius pushed my down onto the floor and I landed with a thud. The same with Draco and he was lying there beside me. I didn’t know whether I should go near him or leave him so spare him being questioned and tortured by his father, asking him what his was doing with a mudblood.

“My son…and a mudblood” Lucius spits and crouches down near me. “Could it be my son likes you mudblood? Hmm”

I stare him in the eye with anger. But I get slapped hard in the face. I see Draco twitch when the slap hit my face, he wanted to do something but couldn’t. Dolohov had his wand pointed at Draco, ready to curse.

“How could my own son do this?” he gets up and wanders to Draco.

Draco gulps and avoids his fathers eyes. “Tell me Draco, why?”

“Because, you never learn. You’re obsessed with evil, even after the dark lord, you need something evil to do. To make people’s lives a misery. You disgust me” Draco spat and glared at his father.

This time I saw Lucius go red and grit his teeth in anger until he swing his hand and hit Draco hard across the face. I gasped an quickly shuffled next to him, but Lucius didn’t care and walked off. I could hear him mumble something under his breath  but then something else occurred.

Lucius holds up the key and grins. My throat is dry and I see him stroll over to the moving chest. He was going to open it.

What had we done? Why didn’t we just leave it alone? Why did we have to go get the key and get caught? It’s cuz we didn’t have a proper plan.

I sigh and stare at the floor. I didn’t want to see this evil being return to the world, whoever it was.

Lucius places the silver key into the lock. He turns it to the right and there’s a loud ‘Click’. The chest lid opens slowly and green mist and fog emerged from it. It invades the room until nothing is visible. Coughs a splutters are heard and I cough myself from this dust.

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