Chapter 14 - Fought Against Love & War

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Hi guys annother chapter, not much Dramione but important chapter, hope you like it


Murmurs and gasps filled the room. I heard chatter from all directions, but I was shocked too. I’m the heiress of Rowena Ravenclaw, how could I be?

“But Master…how can that be possible?” asked the voice of Lucius, he was scared, you could tell by his voice. I couldn’t see anyone because I was facing the floor, so close to my death.

“Her parents are muggles” said Harry

Salazar’s voice croaked.” Yes, but certain wizards produce squibs, beings without magical ability. Those squibs then marry muggles, giving birth to muggle children, this goes on until the magical blood surfaces. Even squibs have the magical ability, but just hidden away until passed down and revealed. You—“ I can feel Salazar’s eyes on me and I inhale, “are one of them, your ancestors produced squibs and they married muggles until you came. The magical gene finally surfaced and here we have a descendant of Ravenclaw”.

“But she’s a Gryffindor” snarled Ron. “Indeed she was, but that does not count as to what blood runs through her veins. She is a descendant of my Rowena”

More muttering and chatter echoed around the room. Salazar slowly started to move away from me, he went out of sight but I didn’t dare move an inch.

“My Rowena, my desire, my beloved, who never felt the same. I lost her.” Salazar continued to speak but from the sound of his voice, it seemed he was remembering from 1000 years ago.

“But no matter, your blood will suffice. I may not have my Rowena but I can live once again” he voice turned into a cold laugh that erupted around the room. It made me shiver, fear took over and I felt dizzy.

“Take the boys to the cellar, we shall dispose of them later, the girl stays here. Followers, keep her to one side, and make sure the cellar is guarded.”

I’m pulled to the side by some Death eaters and now I have view of the 3 boys who I longed to be with. I needed them. I catch Harry’s eye. Now I’m crying and then the grey, crystal ones lock onto mine, he mouths something like ‘I’ll save you’. But that can’t be true. This is it, we’re going to die. Just a couple of years ago I was in this very room being tortured by Bellatrix, now I will die here. They’ve taken Draco, Ron and Harry, but Salazat’s attention is elsewhere, this buys me time.


“Night, night fellas, you’re little girly friend is about to die now” said Thadeus with a sneer.

He locked the cellar door and stood just down the cellar corridor, not fair from earshot.

The boys were wandless, and as if he’d given up, Draco sat down leaning on the wall. This infuriated Harry and he kicked Draco in the leg.

“OW POTTER!” Yelled Draco

A Deatheater appeared and looked, he gave a glare and went out of sight again.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” asked Draco in anger.

Harry crouched down and lowered his voice “We have to save Hermione, and you’re sitting here like you don’t even care”

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