Chapter 10 - So Caring

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It's been edited from the original. I don't think much Dramione, but I swear the kiss is coming soon. An Harry & Ron know somethings up to. They find out the truth soon from Hermione's lie. Hope you like, please comment and vote! :)


She grabbed onto me. Even though she held on for dear life her hold and grip was gentle. Her head rested on my shoulder, I could smell her hair that smelt of chocolate. Why is this happening? I’m I beginning to go soft for this muggle-born. Did I maybe care for her. I feel so much different when she’s with me, I feel innocent. I can tell she likes me too, well as least in a friendly way, I’m sure I consider her a …friend, or maybe more? Her grip tightened as I slightly lost control of the broom after getting lost in my thoughts. My thoughts about…her.

“Where are we going” she screamed into my ear. I flinched a little.

“Hogwarts, that’s where we’ll have to go”

“Are you mad? That’ll take forever”

“We’ll have to get their somehow” he exclaimed.

I felt he grip loosen and I thought she’d fallen off. “Land” she said.


“Just land” she bellowed, and I obeyed. I flew lower to the ground until my feet touched the solid ground.

Hermione seemed so happy she was on land. She stumbled a lot and rubbed her temples. And soon she started to throw up.

“Ergh, Granger…”

She retched and vomited all over the ground. Finally she stopped and clenched her stomach and sat down leaning on a huge rock. I looked around, we were in some sort of valley. I saw a long twisty lake making so much noise as the water rushed past in speed. The sun was still out.

“How long have we been flying for?” She asked.

“I think half an hour”

“We can apparate into Hogsmeade and walk, I can’t bare to fly anymore” she said and ran to the lake. She started to wash her face and lay down on the ground, I sat down beside her.

“Let’s relax for a bit”

“No” she got back on her feet again and stood up straight. “We can’t. The deatheaters will be after us, and the key. We need to get to Hogwarts”

She walked over to the broomstick lying on the floor, then walked over to me. She kneeled down and slowly held my hand. Her’s were so warm compared to mine. Mine had slowly lost feeling after riding the broomstick, but hers stayed warm from being held onto me. Her hand were so soft and gentle, I wished she’d caress my face and touch my cheeks slowly. My head felt so heavy and an urge to rest my head on her shoulder came over me. But I had no time to think when I’d been pulled into darkness. The world went crazy, my vision was blurred them we stood in Hogsmeade. It’d been years, years since I walked down Hogsmeade. Memories invaded my brain and everything came back to me.

“I’ve missed this place so much” said Hermione, and I’d remembered she was there. I could see Hogwarts in the distance, new and repaired after…after the war. I regretted so many things I did in my childhood, one was ever joining the deatheaters and another was…getting on Hermione’s bad side. Why’d I do that? Because I was raised to hate mudbloods, but they’re human like anyone else, no different.

“Come on” she said and we walked up to the castle. Because I had long legs, I walked faster than Hermione, she tried keeping up but she panted and lost her breath a lot. It was when we’d reached the front gates she stopped to rest and catch her breath.

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