Chapter 4 - Settling In

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Draco opened up a door to a huge room. It looked cleane but it was dark, the curtains were drawn and the lamps on the walla hardly lit the room. Draco went in and put Hermione suitcase on her bed. Hermione still couldn't believe she would be staying here. The last place she'd ever think to come.

She walked in still looking around the room, "My room's just down the hall" he told her. "Erm..if you need anything....just ask...but knock before you wander in" he told her firmly. "Of course I'll knock, I have manners" she replied and glared at him.

"So you say, and the upstairs bathroom in down the corridor and turn right and keep walking, you'll find it" he said and walked out the room and slamming the door shut.


Hermione was still in bed, she didn't sleep too well because thoughts that Draco may come in a slit her throat, haunted her. But to make sure that didn't happen she put charms on the door and locked it.

Someone knocked on her bedroom door and the noise echoed around the room.

"Oi, Granger....wake up! It's 1.00" he shouted from outside her room. Hermione ignored his him and turned to her right. "Get up, Granger!" He yelled and knocked on the door rapidly.

"5 more minutes" she muttered. "No NOW!" he yelled again.

This time the door burst open with a bang and Hermione sat up. Her heart raced and she paniced. The noise was so loud it was as if a bomb had gone off.

"What are you doing?" Hermione exclaimed, and fixed her hair. "Have you seen the time?" he said and pulled the curtains open. The sunlight blinded Hermione for a moment, she couldn't see a thing. Draco was a blur to her but she saw a figure coming towards her. She rubbed her eyes.

"Come on, get dressed, breakfasts ready" he implied and walked out the room. His footsteps faded away. She jumped out from her bed and got dressed. She wore her new jeans, converse and a t-shirt with a jacket.

Meanwhile Draco was downstairs putting breakfast on a tary for Narcissa. She still screamed in her sleep and cried. Draco was worrying too. His father had gone, his mother was in a state and he had a someone staying over.

Hermione came into the kitchen, she saw Draco but he avoided her.

"Have whatever you want" he told her and left with the tray.

Draco entered his mothers room with the tray, she was awake and sat up. She had bags under her eyes, her skin was dry and she was paler than usual. Dracp lay the tray on the table and sat at the end of his mothers bed. She gave a weak smile, but his eyes started to fill with tears. He stood up and left.


it was now 3.45 and Hermione had nothing to do apart from wander around the front garden with the peacocks. Draco saw her from the living room window and knocked. He told her to come in with a hand motion, and she did.

Hermione walked into the living room. Draco sat there in his armchair with the fire on. the fire made one side of his face glow, and you could see his facial features. That sharp chin and his silky blond hair.

Hermione shook her head slightly and walked to the fire. "What did you want?" she asked him. "Don't wander around the house too much or the gardens, this is a dangerous place and you'll fine things that will horrorify you" he said without looking at you. He stared at the fire like is was something more interesting.

Hermione was shocked but nodded.

Hermione stood there for a minute and then, suddenly, her mind went black, her legs gave way and she heard whispers.

You are what I need...soon...very soon....I'm on the rise...

She heard an evil laugh, the whispers continued, the grabbed hold of the other armchair to keep herself from falling. Hermione took a deep breath and her mind was clear again.

"You okay Granger?" he asked and stood up to walk to Hermione.  Draco helped her up.

Hermione nodded and ran out the room leaving Draco stunned.


Things are going to start going to happen. Hermione gets affected really bad by thing in Malfoy Manor. Draco gets concerned and Narcissa gets much worse to.

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