Chapter 13 - The Heiress

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One part, sorry so much for the wait, but thank you so much for being patient. I've had exams and no time to upload. I hope it's good enough and you're not dissapointed...Here it is, enjoy :)


“of course we’ll help Hermione” said Harry, breaking the silence between us. I sighed in relief and smiled.

“Thank you, I promise I’ll explain if we get out of here” I say.

“Yeah, you better” interrupts Ron.

“We need to get out of here, how did you get in?” I ask Harry.

“Around the back, we jumped over the wall”

“How did you get passed the Ogre?” I ask in surprise.

“We stunned him, it wasn’t hard”

I look down at my shoes, and realise my foolishness, because of my misery that day, I’d forgotten I was a witch capable to stun a Ogre. I can hear Draco sniggering behind me and I nidge him with my elbow in the ribs, he cries out in pain but I get looks from Harry and Ron.

“Well” I say to ease the awkwardness, “Let’s get out of here” and we follow Draco to the back of the cellar.

“So you jumped out through the back wall?”

“Not exactly, we had to come into the house. We got over the back wall, through the kitchen back door and down the cellar stairs in this weird room that was all green and—“

“The Dome room” I interject.

“Er yeah” Harry says with uncertainty.

I shut up and keep walking, this awkward silence me witnessing between me, Harry and Ron never happened. And I hated it.

We walk up the long, narrow, stone stairs until we see a green glow being emitted from the ajar door. I run first and open the door to reveal the Dome Room and right in the middle sat the Demon Dome. The dome that been here ever since this Manor was built, it has all the history of the house and if it broke, the house when down with it. The dome is what’s keeping the house together. I star into it, it’s dazzling and I can’t tear my gaze away from it.

“Now we have to get to the kitchen and out the back door, and that’s right at the other end of the house” says Harry. I half listen and half stare at the dome. This time I don’t witness those weird faces in the fog, I see other things. Mainly me, Harry, Ron and..Draco..yes, Draco. We’re all smiling, but I see Draco go off, he walks away and doesn’t come back. The trees in the dome move in the wind, I see myself again, much older, still waiting.

“Hermione?” Ro calls my name and I start. “Yes.?”

“Are you okay?”

“Mm hmm” I say and nod.

“We haven’t got long” mumbles Draco so slowly and gently the words are quite soothing. My heart leaps and I shiver.

“It’s nearly Dawn, 24 hours is nearly up. We have to get Hermione out of here” He says and I sped walk to the door.

“Hermione? When did you st—“

“Come on Ron” says Harry.

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