Chapter 11 - The Muggle-born Stole My Heart

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I but more Dramione, I hope you like ;D And some action. I won't keep you waiting, read on...


I ran through the junk as fast as I could without bumping into anything. I heard her yells and followed the sound. I came to a halt when I saw a pile of books and an old draw nearly crushing her.

“Wingardium Leviosa” I said and moved the draw away from her.

I went over and help her up from the books on to of her. I took her hand and then she said “Wait—“ I watched her as her gaze fell under a couple of books. She saw something I couldn’t. Her hand slipped under a thick, dusty torn book and pulled out a silver,glowing key that shone in the light. “It’s the key” she said with a grin on her face, and breathing fast. I grinned too.

I helped her up and she brushed the dust of her and fixed her, messy, wild brown hair.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. If all that stuff hadn’t fallen on me, I wouldn’t have found the key”

“Still, having you hurt just to find the key isn’t worth it”

She looked at me, dazed and lost in thought.

“Well, here it is” she said holding up the bright silver key in her hands.

“Good, let’s get out of here”

“There’s a cut on your cheek” I said and absentmindly but my hand next to the wound and wiped the dark red blood away. Soon her blood was all over my hand. She shivered each time I touched her and closed her eyes. Good think she wasn’t looking because I smirked and looked at her beauty, taking it all in. I’d never realised before. Protecting my pride, my families blood-line, and reputation of hate on muggle-borns led me to nearly missing all the amazing things in life. It did but know I see.

Hermione was different, and I liked her that way, no matter what anyone said.

I pulled my hand swiftly away and her eyes shot open. She inhaled and exhaled heavily.

“Let’s go” I said and grabbed her arm. We managed to find our way to the entrance and out the door.

“Ergh, I can breath!” she eclaimed. “Instead of all that dirt in there”

“Come on, we haven’t got time”

“Wait, what are we going to do now? We have the key. We’ll have to get rid of it” She stared at me, her pretty brown eyes shining in the sunlight. I drew the thought back.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do” I said and rubbed my temples. All the tension was getting to me, my head filled with thoughts. I leaned on the wall and slid down onto the floor burying my hands in my face.

I could feel Hermione’s eyes on me, and her gently footsteps coming closer and closer to me. She lid down and sat next to me, her arm brushing mine sent a chill up my spine but a warm sensation. The urge to rest my head on her should came again, I tried to resist the urge but my head rested next to hers. So close now, I smelt chocolate. That fresh aroma, I breathed it in.

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