Chapter 9 - They Know, Let's Fly Away

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Okay, but more action, there's not much Dramione, I think. It's gets interesting now and Draco & Hermione develop some feelings! Please comment, fan and pleaaase vote! It'll mean alot! :)

Oh and feel free to watch the Dramione Youtube vid at the side ----> It's awesome.

Enjoy x


We stood there frozen for a good few moments. I felt as if my throat closed up and I’d lost the ability to speak. Draco’s eyes went cold and filled with fear.

“We..we have to get to Hogwarts” I whispered so slowly under my breath, I was unsure he heard. But he slowly nodded in agreement.

Draco exhaled and slouched back in his seat, holding the bridge of his nose.

“We have less time than I thought” he said.

“I know, how are we going to get there?”

“Well, we can’t apparate” he said examining his injured hand and flinched everytime he heard.

I smirked a little, had he read Hogwarts: A History?

“How’d you know you can’t apparate within Hogwarts?” I asked curiously.

“I have read Hogwarts: A Hostory y’know. It’s not like I don’t read.” He said.

For some reason this made Draco all the more attractive and unbelievable. Ron and Harry have had the book for more that 10 years and they still hadn’t read it. For once I felt as If I could relate to Draco, and my admiration for him grew.

“Well broomstick, we’ll fly there” he suggested and looked at me for approval but I didn’t move.

My mouth was open and I gaped at him. No way was I travelling on a broom, no way was I going to fly.

“No, no..we’re not flying. How about Floo Powder?”

“Er only the downstairs fireplaces work with Floo Powder, and we can’t get there without being seen and it’s not the most quiet way. We’ll have to fly.”

“No!” I shouted fairly loud and he jumped.

“Why no- Ohh” He smirked and laughed, “Little Granger, scared to fly. You’re a wimp!”

“A wimp? I flew a broom in the room of requirement and I swore I would never do that again. I’m surprised I managed to get out of there alive. And if it wasn’t for me, Ron and Harry. You would have been dead.”

Draco shrugged his shoulders “I guess, but you’ve flew before, you’ll be fine”.

“No, I’m not flying”

“Fine, fly with me, I’m amazing at flying.”

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