Chapter 19 - Forgive me?

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Ok, firslt it's been ages since I updated and I am so sorry. I haven't had time, i've been really busy since it's the busiest time of my school year. Loads of exams. But here it is.

Thinks clear up here and I think you should listen to the song, it fit exactly with what's happening with Draco and Hermione.


Next moring at breakfast was another rush. Everyone was late, Ginny ran around like crazy because she misplaced her wand. Harry was running late for a job interview and Ron was job searching. Hermione got ready for St. Mungo's. She wore a plain light pink skirt, and white blouse and a cardigan.

"Do eat something, dear." insisted Mrs Weasley, offering Hermione a piece of toast.

"It's okay, Mrs Weasley, I'm not hungry. I best be off." Hermione replied. She grabbed her bag and when to the back door to get to the hilltop and apparate, when her path was blocked by a tall, thin figure with shining blond hair and a sharp chin.

"Excuse me." said Hermioe avoiding his eyes and acting like she was getting something out her bag.

"Oh, sorry, Hermione."

He moved and saw that Hermione flinch when he said her name. Draco found this usual. He'd got used to calling her Hermione. It was strange, but why did she flinch.

Hermione speed walked to the top of the hill and apparted quickly as possible. Draco had watched her vanish into thin air. The kitchen was a little less crowded. There was only Molly and Ron. Ron sat sipping some tea and his head in some newspaper.

"Draco, dear. Here." she said and tossed some sausages, eggs and toast onto his plate. Draco grabbed some toast and left the others untouched.

"MUM." boomed Ginny's voice around the house. "I can't find my wand. Where did you say you saw it.?"

"On the upstairs shelf, Ginny." Molly replied and left the room.

Ron peaked over his newspaper and stared at Malfoy while drinking his tea. 

"What is fun, staying over here at the poor people's house?" Ron snarled.

"If you mean that if was kind of your mother, then yes. It's not that bad." Draco said and looked around the kitchen. He saw piled up plates and pans. A over crowded shelf with cook books. Little pieces of wood by the door.

"Why didn't you say no and go home." said Ron placing is paper down on the table.

"I did say no, your mother insisted, Weasley."

Ron gave a low growl and got up to take his empty cup to the sink. "You always watch her whereever she goes." he said. "She apparated on the hill and you watched. You watched her a dinner last night. Watch out because I already think you're a stalker. People will think the same soon."

"I'm not a stalker, Weasley. I'm just-- I just want her to speak to me."

"WHAT?" Ron yelled and slammed his fist in the table. "Talk to you?! You left her and went to Paris. I mean If you'd stayed and been with her I wouldn't have minded then. But you left her and I started to hate you again."

Draco chuckled and stood up. "Wow, Weasley. You're saying there was a time you did hate me, 2 years ago?!"

Ron gulped. "Well yeah. Because of Salazar. We worked together. I didn't hate you as much because you saved Hermione."

"Aw, Weasley, I'm touched." Draco said with a grin.

"Shut it you! That's not the point. You left her and went. She did everything she could to move on and when she finally did. You come strolling back. She won't forgive you."

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