Chapter 8 - An Annoying Sweet Gentleman

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So, I dunno whether I've added enough Dramione moments. But it's more than usual ;D Hopefully you won't be disspointed! :) Enjoy x


Draco came in the room fulling, grabbing his hair in frustration and paced around the room. He swore under his breath. The chest kept on rattling, it was trying to escape. I heard voices again, whispers around the room. And I hit the ground, after that nothing was clear and I lost all sense.


I opened my eyes. My vision was blurred and I couldn’t see a thing. I wasn’t in the living room still, I was in….Draco’s room. I sat up to see Draco sat in his armchair near the fire in his room. He gave a weak smile and slowly walked over to me.

“You okay, Granger?” he asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine…” I’d fainted again, I knew it. “How did I get up here?”

“How’d you think? I had to carry you all the way, and since you weigh like a elephant, it didn’t make things easier” He sniggered.

My mouth fell open like a comical ‘O’. I was offended by this. An urge to slap him came over me but I just didn’t have the energy.

“I mean I could have used the Hover Charm, but I only thought of that after I walked up 2 flights of stairs with you” he said ruffling his hair.

“Of course you couldn’t think of it earlier, with brains like your” I said under my breath, but I’m sure he hurt.

“Relax, Granger. I was joking, you didn’t weigh like a elephant”

I relaxed and smiled. I couldn’t help it. I immediately cheered up and wanted to hug Draco. But I had to stop myself.

“Where are the others?” I asked

“They’re down in the dome room.” He said slowly. “I had to walk the long way round the house not to be seen. I also checked on mother while you were out cold. She’s fine”

I fell back onto the pillow. My head felt heavy and dead. I breathed in and the familiar smell of spearmint, and roses came from the pillows. I was lying in the bed Draco usually slept in. As weird as this was, I wanted to run off but yet I wanted to stay. I felt at home, but I knew this was no home to me.

“What will we do?” asked Draco all of a sudden.

“They have the ring and pendant, but forget them. The body is kind of alive now…we have to stop them from getting the key from Hogwarts”

“ I know, but they’ll have a harder time trying to get in”

Draco nodded, while he bit his nails.

“I still don’t get why I’m fainting so much, it can’t be that rebirth thing…not all of it. It seems much worse for me. When I faint, it feels like I die every time, but have to relive it”

I gulped and looked up at Draco, who stared directly at me with concern.

“It horrible, my head bursts. It goes blank and I haven’t got a clue what goes on. I feel like I’d throw up”

“I don’t know why. You are a muggle born and the book said you’d be affected, it didn’t say how bad it’d be”

It was true. So much had been going on. One day here and I’d fainted enough times. After all the commotion, I forgot about Harry, Ron and the rest. The lie I told them and the fact I had no home to go to without telling them the truth.

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