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according to google, it takes like 4 hours to get from seoul to busan. but i'm stupid enough not to know whether it's applicable if you take the train. I'M S O RR Y Y . i'm also fuckin' worried about the christmas break length. i decided on december 19 to january 4 (2016 calendar) because reasons. that's 2 weeks. it should be fine. if i'm wrong, i'm sorry, i just don't know okay. because that's sort of the length for my country.

the day before christmas break

"you don't have to do this."

"but i will."

after a month of 'fake dating,' the couple had considerably grown closer, with all the hanging out they've been doing in order to prepare for holidays. after the past month, jimin now knew all the little things about min yoongi-- vice versa. yoongi wasn't exactly nervous when the thought of spending 2 weeks at jimin's house came in mind. in fact, jimin was the one being anxious over it. he was worried about yoongi being pressured (which, again, he isn't) and was constantly wondering, why is he doing this for me? and thinking, wow. it'll happen. that wasn't the only thing he was worried about. the thought of his dad being weird around yoongi will definitely become reality. his mom asking him why his ex is now his ex. his siblings acting like the FBI, trying to find out whether yoongi's good enough for him or not. those certainly aren't the last of his thoughts, jimin can definitely make a list containing a thousand reasons as to why this is a bad idea.

what if he's there.

"is the coffee really worth it?" jimin asked, watching as yoongi stuffed his belongings into a bag. "i mean, you get unlimited coffee until you want me to stop getting you some," jimin chewed on his lip, "you also get donuts on weekends... but i may be annoying. my mom might pressure you, and--"

jimin stopped, looking at yoongi who walked over to him, gripping jimin on the shoulders. "babe, chill," yoongi said firmly, frowning lightly at jimin. "it's fine. i have to admit, i'm anxious about your family asking me things, but it's better than staying here at the dorm for two whole months."

"don't call me babe," jimin blurted out, yoongi rolling his eyes at the younger's words. "and are you sure? i'm annoying, i know i am, i don't know why you're doing this for me--"

yoongi sighed, interrupting jimin once more, "because you've been through a lot. and i feel the need to be your fake boyfriend. i'll feel like shit if i deny your request. hey, don't look at me like that," yoongi frowned, "you're the one who dragged me into this."

"you can just walk away."

"but i won't."


"because," yoongi said, trying to end their conversation.


yoongi crossed his arms, "i'll probably feel guilty if i don't. and again, you've been through shit. and i want my damn donuts."

he's doing it for himself, jimin sighed, falling back, his back against yoongi's soft bed, hearing a chuckle from the older as he closed his eyes. get a hold of yourself.

the next day, december 19


jimin groaned, yawning as he slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the light emitting from the large glass window nearby. he blinked groggily, turning to his side and facing yoongi, who was looking at him with a smug smile.

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