ten ↭ bonus.

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"are you boys ready? we'll have to drive to the cafe." mr. park yelled, before yoongi and jimin quickly descended the stairs, yoongi fixing his hair and jimin smiling at his father. jinyoung was by the door, leaning against the wall, watchin the two.

"we're ready!" jimin exclaimed, grabbing yoongi's hand, the latter a bit startled as they both followed mr. park out the door and towards the parked car. jinyoung did, as well, but stopped at the porch, a barely visible, mischevious smile across his lips as he waved at them.

jimin and yoongi got into the backseat, in time to hear mr. park starting the engine up, before he drove towards the road.

- - -

jimin almost shivered when he felt yoongi's close breath against the shell of his ear whisper, "he's watching."

jimin's eyes gazed towards the rearview mirror, and indeed saw mr. park's eyes glancing every now and then at them. jimin turned to yoongi, raising an eyebrow and mouthing, "what do we do?"

yoongi thought for a second, before clearing his throat. "jimin, let's play a game." he said in a loud enough voice for the two of them, but still loud enough for mr. park to hear the pair.

jimin hummed curiously, playing along. "yeah, sure. what game?"

"um, like twenty questions," yoongi answered, "but there are no questions. we just say random facts about ourselves. until we reach twenty in total."

"so, basically, 20 facts?" jimin giggled.

yoongi blushed. "yeah."

"but babe," jimin grinned. "we've already played this."

yoongi smiled lightly, teeth gritting behind his lips' thin line. "but you're so interesting. i'll never get tired of you." he said in quite a charming voice.

jimin coughed, "o-okay. you start."

as the boys started playing their little game, mr. park slightly smiled, focusing on the road.

how cute, he thought.

- - -

choi youngjae smiled, "thank you! come again!" he called after the customer who was about to leave the cafe, voice dripping of enthusiasm. he hummed as he opened the cash register, counting some of the money.

he then heard the nearby staff door open, eyes immediately averting their gaze towards the figure that emerged from the room. youngjae's eyes lit up, "oh! i forgot it was your shift now!" he exclaimed, glancing at the wall clock that read 3:13PM, before properly placing the money into the cash register.

youngjae walked towards the staff door, giving the boy a wink, "good luck!" before entering and taking his break.

the boy smiled, knowingly.

- - -

as mr. park parked (LMAO) the car, the boys had just reached their 19th fact. the couple got out of the car, yoongi smiling sweetly.

"fact nineteen-- i like you." yoongi told jimin, making the latter groan.

"i said that! you can't steal my fact!"

"i can," yoongi smirked, "i mean, it's true."

once the three arrived at the front of the cafe, mr. park cleared his throat. "okay, you boys are cute and all, but i think that's enough fuel for jimin's mother for the day."

jimin laughed.

yoongi tilted his head to the side. "fuel?" he mumbled.

jimin stretched his arms a bit. "god, it's been so long." he stared up at the coffee shop's sign. "say, dad, does youngjae still work here?"

mr. park was pushing the door open halfway until his smile fell.

the three entered the cafe, breathing the fresh scent of coffee, the cold air hitting them. yoongi liked the place-- simple, yet it looked relaxing. fairy lights decorated the walls, some complementing the aesthetically pleasing pictures hung on the wall, some of which were actually jimin and his family. the chairs looked comfortable, the tables simple. the counter had a pastry display case, one that featured some good looking cupcakes and such. there were a few people occupying some of the tables. yoongi smiled.

meanwhile, jimin's smile faltered. a frown replaced it, then a worried look. he froze in place as his eyes widened a bit, anxiety seeping in-- fear, if you may-- as he almost, almost felt tears at the edge of his eyes, threatening to fall as his legs felt like giving up. his hands balled into fists, shaking a bit from the overwhelming feelings.

he nudged yoongi's side with the energy he had left. the older looked at him, gaze following the trail of jimin's own. there, at the counter, behind the cash register stood a raven haired boy with hooded eyes, pale pink lips, who was staring elsewhere.

yoongi was clueless, until,

"fact twenty," jimin whispered, almost sadly, "that's my ex." he told yoongi, gaze still focused on the cashier guy.

yoongi's breath hitched.

im jaebum.

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